FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I am going to talk about Halloween it is one of my favorite holidays, you go around to random houses dressed up yelling trick or treat and then the people give you candy its awesome. I heard that some people go trick or treating in the mall. Where is your favorite place to go trick or treating? What's your favorite thing about trick or treating (the  trick,the candy, the dressing up etc.)? -flipster


  1. First off I have never gone trick or treating in a mall, and it doesn't occur to me that many stores would be open late at night just to give candy to kids who come by.Besides I think I would rather go door to door rather than store to store.I don't know about any body else but personally I like the candy the best.

    -Mr. edible stuff

    1. I haven't either.

    2. I agree with you on the candy mmmm candy, candy, candy, candy, candy

      - captain

    3. I have gone to mall to go trick or treating because they do it three days early. Unlike going door to door they only do it one night.The reason I went there was because I wasn't going to be here for Halloween.So guess you can say it saved my butt.


    4. I have never went to a mall but if you don't wan't to go out in the freezing cold then I guess you could go.I agree with captain I love all the candy,candy,candy,candy,candy!

    5. I like candy,candy,candy to captain


    6. I definitely like candy, candy, candy as well.


    7. Who dose not like candy


    8. Dose anybody like Easter or Christmas.


  2. My favourite part about Halloween is every thing.The costumes because it's the only time of year that you get to dress up as something mystical or just normal.The thing I like about the trick is how funny it looks when they get upset.The thing I like about candy is how good it tastes.I know what Halloween's old name was.It was Hallow-man.

    1. I have actually never done a trick but I saw someone do one.

  3. I like trick or treating in the malls when its cold
    out .This year I didn't go trick or treating this year because it was so cold ! So I just ate the candy that I was supposed be giving people.I notice
    most of the people came with their cars not by foot.I think most kids go trick or treating for the candy and so do I.


    1. How is it like to go Halloweening in malls? Do they give out lots of candy? Do you have to dress up? Is it more fun than going Halloweening outside?


  4. Think about how much people pay one costume if it good enough could get over 200 dollars. Also think about how long it should take to eat all that candy. Some kids eat all of that candy in lease then a week. Some people treat it like it is like Christmas. They buy all these decoration and then they give out raisins or something then kids get angry and don't want to go out for Halloween next year.SO sometimes it isn't good or bad.


  5. One thing I just do not agree with is when people take their kids to a mall to go trick or treating. It just dose not flow. Plus the stores do not look like they are scary . The main point of Halloween to me is to have fun and be thankful for what we get. My little brother just searches through the bag and looks for kinder surprise eggs,well I get it he is one years old and dose not understand the point of Halloween.One thing I thought was back in the oldie days they thought that ghouls and goblins came to earth on October the 31, so every body would dress up so the monsters would not get them.
    -miss pineapple

  6. My favourite part about trick or treating is dressing up and getting candy that lasts the whole year!Halloween is a yearly celebration observed by a lot of countries on October 31.According to many scholars,it was originally influenced by western European harvest festivals and festivals of the dead with possible pagan roots,particularly the Celtic Samhain.I found this all on Wikipedia but I left out some information so if you want to check it out,go a head.

    -smily miley

  7. My favourite thing about Halloween is the creative costumes. My neighbour had the most fun costume I have ever seen, she was a kit kat bar. This year there weren't many people going Halloweening because of the bad weather we had. I think a lot of kids went to malls or the didn't go at all. I have a question for everyone that goes Trick-or-Treating, do you guys believe in ghost stories or ghost and/or ghouls?


    1. At my house I got a good 15 people.

    2. I got just about 30 people.


  8. Yeah Halloween is sweet! This year we decided to only do one or two blocks but there was few people trick or treating in that area so they gave out big handfuls of candy!One guy told us to grab with both hands as much as we could, awesome! Then went home [with a really big bag]. We then watched avengers till 10:00 fun


  9. I think saying candy apples is better to say than
    trick or treat because my aunt was tricked when she said trick or treat.
    I think that it is better to go looting in the neighbourhood because maybe someone poisoned the candy.
    I got a few bag of chips and some candy.
    Anna and I got a lot trick or treating,
    I was dressed as Batman and Anna was Bat woman.
    Great topic and have a happy HALLOWEEN!


    1. I don't think that saying candy apples is a good idea because some people will think your crazy and not give you candy.
      - flipster

  10. My favourite place to go trick or treating is in my neighbourhood.I like going trick or treat in my neighbourhood because there some houses are scary but not all. I got lots of candy.I think I got mostly more chocolate then candy.I was dressed as a Vampire and my brother was a ninja.I think that was a good topic to talk about flipster.

    -Evil bunny

  11. My favourite part of Halloween is the candy and I celebrate Halloween at cousin's house.I like to go to this house were you get to walk in his house and it us some times freaky. One question why do you haven't to where a costume? I got lots of candy mostly chips and chocolate bars. Why do you like Halloween so much flipster. What is your
    favourite holiday.


  12. Halloween is one of my favourite holidays because you get to dress up as your favourite characters and role models and go out and collect candy. I just found out that Halloween was created in 609, can you believe that? I also found out that the holiday was thought to be influenced All saints day, some other names are All Hallows, Hallow-tide and Hallowmas. I really like Halloween and think it's a great holiday.


  13. Halloween is scary and funny holiday. I like Halloween. The only thing I don't like is when some people put out people human skulls. It is also called The Hallows'Eve and All Saints'Eve. This is a little bit what I did on it:I was a magician and my brother was a tiger and my sister was a princess. We went not far because it was snowing and it was very cold too. I still had a lot of fun!

    -Dr. Future

  14. Quick question why do we use carved pumpkins I mean why not carve a apple or a grape? And to all you people who hated the cold we are Canadian for Pete sake!



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