FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Christmas is awesome! In my opinion Christmas is the best holiday ever, (except for  halloween maybe) what do you think? I think that kids should only get some things that are on their wish list (if they have one) and some pyjamas or clothing, how about you? Is hanukkah better? Would you wipe out the holiday altogether if you could? Do you have a favorite Christmas moment, if so write about it.
Happy Holidays!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I would never wipe out Christmas or any holiday.I agree that kids should not get everything on there wish list.But they should get the biggest thing on the because some times the smallest thing could be a Lego man but that by its self is like something that you find in the sand

    1. They should get half the things on their list.

    2. Just because my parents don't by me a lot of toys or anything during the year, when it comes to Christmas I usually get everything on my wish list. That is just me personally.


  3. Yeah can't wait till Christmas it truly is the most wonderful time of the year! Did you know that Christmas was really about some ones birthday a really special's birthday name'd JESUS! Also this year we are going to (like last year) not get any presents instead we are going to volunteer or give to poor people in Africa or some thing any way



  4. My favourite holiday moment is when I got my first snowboard and my purple easy bake oven. I totally agree with your opinion Threwit. I think Christmas is way better then Hanukkah. I also agree with them getting part of there wish list.

    - Evil Cheesecake

  5. I have too agree with you Christmas is the most awesome holiday ever because you get lots of stuff.Christmas is way better than Halloween because all you get is candy and that will be gone really fast.I just cant wait for Christmas.Christmas is literately the best.

  6. I love Christmas!Its the only time of year where you get things you like and want for free!The worst thing about this holiday is when its all over and when you have to wait on the exact day it is on.I have never done Hanukkah.I have to refresh on what it is.

    -smiley mily

  7. I have a question why and where does Santa come in during Cristmas.


  8. I have to agree with you that Christmas is awesome. I love all of the presents even if they are NOT my favourite things. I love the colourful trees and the Christmas lights. The thing I really want for Christmas is the new I pod touch and the colour I would like is either blue or green. Christmas is definitely awesome. I can't wait till Christmas!
    HO,HO,HO, Merry Christmas!


  9. I have a question why and where does Santa come in during Cristmas.


    1. you posted that twice.
      -miss pineapple

  10. I Christmas is my most favourite time of the year.I think it is goo and bad to get clothes for Christmas.I think it is bad to get clothes because you will not have enough room in you closet.... But then you give those clothes to charity. Then it is good because you will have enough for the year.Some times people (kids) get what they want from there wish list.If I could destroy Christmas I would rather multiply it.I will have to say Christmas is my favourite holiday of the year.


  11. Christmas is not my favourite holiday but I think that it is better than Halloween in some way. On Christmas and on New years eve I will like two things that a need so I do not need a wish list. Once on December 24 last year we could go to a Christmas party and there I had more than a lot of fun. There were my friends. I will never forget that evening. Also what is Hanukkah?

    -Dr. Future

    1. Hanukkah is like Christmas except Jewish people celebrate it and it goes for eight days and nights and every day you get a small (or big) present.


  12. I like Christmas because you get presents, and I get to go to my Oma and Opa's house. Then a couple days after I get to go to Arizona. I hope I get a rip stick and lego star wars. I also hope I get more video games, Startego and some movies.What do you for Christmas Threwit


  13. I think that Christmas is better than hanukkah.I don't even celebrate it. So Christmas is better than nothing.


  14. I agree that Christmas is great.I think Christmas is better than Hanukkah.I like to set up the Christmas tree.I think Christmas is about family. Threwit I think that is a good topic.

    -Evil bunny

  15. I totally agree with threwit that Christmas is my favourite holiday.I have never celebrated Hanukkah so I cannot tell you whether I would wipe the holiday completely.I think I would say that kids should only get half of their wish list.

    -Mr. edible stuff


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