FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, November 22, 2012

NHL Lockout


I'm going to talk about the NHL lockout.
Does anyone think that the NHL should not have a lockout? With the lockout there’s no watching the Oilers and the Penguins(or any other teams)play hockey so there's no Friday night hockey.Personally I think the lockout is a bummer.It's really the only time me and my brother don’t fight because we're too busy watching hockey.So what I’m asking is if anyone wants or doesn't  want the NHL lockout? -jdog102


  1. The ongoing stoppage of work has forced the NHL teams to cancel the first two weeks of the regular season. In our case that means that 82 games were wiped off the schedule and pushed opening night back to Oct. 25. This is the third time in 18 years a lockout has tried to force the cancellation of NHL games. That is terrible when you think about it. That's why I think that we shouldn't have NHL lockout.


    1. I totally agree with you mmm....Pizza

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. That's not right players are just too greedy EAGLE HOOD.

  3. I've no opinion on this topic because I don't watch hockey but I don't think they should get a pay raise.Why? Well, obviously they're already more stinking rich than the rest of us so, they certainly don't need a pay raise... they get millions of dollars!


  4. I don't think they should get more money!Some hockey fans(not all)say "pay them already,I want to watch hockey!",but in real life its not that easy.I don't watch hockey but I don't think they should get paid more!Just imagine how many people get that much money.

    -smily miley

  5. I don't like the NHL lockout because then nobody is
    playing Hockey and so many people like Hockey . I am actually not a Hockey fan (I like soccer) so I don't think they should get more money .I know that they are really good at Hockey but they shouldn't be so greedy


  6. I think that a lockout is a crazy idea. Like that is one of the few times that me and my dad get to spend time with each other. That is for me as well as no fighting with my brother. I personally think that hockey is a fantastic sport.
    -Evil Cheesecake

    1. I agree with you its really the only time I spend without fighting.

  7. I found the date of the lockout and how much money they wanted on wiki:
    The NHL canceled all September preseason games on September 19, and on September 27 the remainder of the preseason schedule through October 8 was canceled, resulting in approximately US$100 million in lost revenue.
    Anyway I am not much of a hockey fan.
    I think it is such a greedy thing to want so much money.By the way did you know that the OILERS players actually left Edmonton but, the the name remained and nice topic to Blog on jdog102.


    1. I wouldn't believe wiki on a topic like this.

  8. I think in some ways it is good because people don't spend as much money to go to games when you can save money by watching it at home. But when you are at a hockey game you see louie, chuck a puck and other stuff. I sort of enjoy it and no but I am more on the good side because they don't need more money, they are already millionaires. Those hockey players are too greedy if they want more money they should at least give a reason why they want more money like to give to the poor, the homeless and charities so it is actually useful. I they want to buy a bigger and more fancy house then that isn't thoughtful using of your money. So I actually like this I guess.


  9. A lock out may be because how much beer was being sold at a hockey game that I went to each person had at least 4 mugs full of beer [not me].YEAH players should have to gain their own sponsors and deal with it if they have to go with out one for a while its one of the sacrifices they would have to make.


  10. A lock out may be because how much beer was being sold at a hockey game that I went to each person had at least 4 mugs full of beer [not me].YEAH players should have to gain their own sponsors and deal with it if they have to go with out one for a while its one of the sacrifices they would have to make.


  11. I hope the lockout is not the hole year. At least there is Oil kings it is better than no hockey. Nobody knows how long the lockout is.Do you hope the lockout is all year. I want the lockout is all year. There is good food and intermittent. My favourite player is Taylor Hall, what is yours. How greedy do you think the hockey players. Who do you think is the most greedy. Do they play for fun so you can at least watch the Oilers. If you do not watch Oil kings or Canada you might not get to watch hockey. My dad knows Ryan Jones and he dose not no when the lockout is down.


  12. I like the lock out a little bit just because know that my dad and brother are not hogging the t.v every day that a hockey game is on.I also think that they shouldn't pay them that much because they want US$100 million and I think that that's way to much.

  13. I think that we should not pay the NHL.I still don't watch that. I think that the sum is too much.


  14. I HATE the lockout because the players can have quite a large salary but they still want more money. They are greedy as the picture states and I think the coaches and other should stand their ground and say no to the players. I really hope the lockout ends soon.


    1. If they say no to their players they will leave the team for another one just like Sheldon Soury.

  15. Hockey is part of our culture . Why do people do that to thir fans ,my dad aways seems so sad, all I want for my dad is for him to be happy again thats a wish in a haystack.That I hope will come true.
    -miss pineapple

  16. I know that hockey is a special sport for Canada. I myself don't play hockey I don't know nothing about NHL lockouts. So I looked on a couple websites and know I see that's a problem. In my opinion every sport had a problem and they managed to solve it and the same may happen to this sport.

    -Dr. Future

  17. I think that we should not pay the NHL.I still don't watch that. I think that the sum is too much.


    1. The sum might be lots but some people make a living that way.

  18. I don't like the NHL lockout.I'm think they should play hokey.I'm not a hockey fan but they should play.My neighbours are upset that they are lockout.

    Evil bunny


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