FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Are video games a tool we can use in education or is it a distraction when used in schools?

There is research available in several scholarly articles about the potential use of video games like minecraft, Littlebigplanet etc. in education, but there is also research that shows negative effects of too much video games.  What do you think? Reflect, research and respond to your thoughts.


  1. I think video games can actually in hence your learning. By teaching you how to type or simple what would it be like in the wilderness on your own.It can also teach you adventure and different ways to puzzle your mind. So that's why I think video games in hence your learning.But also think where we would be with out video games.


    1. I agree with you mefungpoo.

    2. Not all video games enhance your learning.

      -smiley mily

  2. I think that some games like Minecraft and Mathblaster are and can be educational.But games like call of duty zombies and box head are no were close to educational.So at school if you want to get a game make sure its educational and also ask your teacher.

    1. Excuse me but who or what is the box head?


    2. its a very violent that has a bunch of blood and enemies like the devil and zombies.

    3. oops I forgot to say game after violent.

    4. Why do you play box head if it is very violent? It doesn't do anything good to your brain. If you play for the rest of your life you can get pretty dumb.


    5. I totally agree with Jdog102 . Games can be educational but some just aren't .


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  4. I only agree with the games if they are educational and teach you something not just let you play, since that some are now used at school .Many people think that it is helping people understand the meaning of the topic they are learning about. If you think about it Wii sports is very sporty, and there are many other games out there, so maybe it could be educational. But what other games that fit with other topics in school, please let me know if you have an idea.
    -miss pineapple

  5. If you are someone who just sits around and plays video games you should focus on school instead. Most of the games are non-educational and the others are. When you are out and going shopping keep in mind that you can get educational games instead. Remember to ask your parents just in case. If you are a couch slug get of your butt and try to play something educational instead of playing games that are non-educational and in some cases dumb.


  6. I think video games that teach you something is the best idea ever.As long as there fun.Some teachers think that if it is on the computer it is a video game,like all the right type.But every video game teaches you some thing in its own way.

  7. Some video games like math games and all the right type are good for your learning.I have a math game that has mad minutes on it(mad minutes is when you get a sheet of 30 math questions and you time yourself and when the timer stops you have to stop)and it really improved my mad minutes skills.All the right type helped a lot of people with typing on a computer.

    -smiley mily

  8. I think that too much video games is not good. I think that too much video games make children think about video games rather than school work.I think that that video games should not be required.

  9. Some video games can be educational.There are some educational video games and some are used at our school.I think if you don't play non-education video games.If I think one video game is allowed it should be Minecraft cause you have to survive . Education games sometimes help you learn.

  10. Some video games can be educational.There are some educational video games and some are used at our school.I think if you don't play non-education video games.If I think one video game is allowed it should be Minecraft cause you have to survive . Education games sometimes help you learn.

    -Evil bunny

  11. Minecraft goes with social studies because it teaches survival.

    1. There is no way that minecraft teaches social. Survival has nothing to do with social. plus all you have to do is eat in minecraft to live and not let anything kill you . Again it has nothing to do with social.

    2. Yes it does because you have to collect resources and survive.

  12. Video games can be fun and helpful. Playing education games I think is better because you can learn important stuff and interesting also. Like Racing games teach you how to ride a car when you get old enough. Math games teach you to do math easier at school or when you need it. From one point all video games teach you something that you may need but even when you not need it,but their still important to know.So I agree that video games are good but as far you don't play to much.

    -Dr. Future

  13. I think some games are fun like Mincraft.
    Mincraft is somewhat educational because it teaches us how to to survive.
    Some games are educational and some are not,but I think are school appropriate.


  14. I think this is an interesting question to think about. Using computers and various applications will become more and more apart of schooling, because they are more and more part of the world. Things like having a class host a blog is a fairly new idea. I think it is a great writing project.

    We do play other kinds of games at school. So what is different about computer games? I think one of the concerns about computer games is how much screen time people are having in their life. We are at computer screens and tv screens for a large part of the day. I think our brians need a break. So while there are more and more things we can do on a computer, we have to make sure we have a balance away from screens.

    Some of you room 17 bloggers may want to research the effect of screen time on young brains. That might help answer the question.

    Queen of the Forest.

    1. I agree with you that looking at a screen for a long time could damage your eye sight. There are special glasses that stop this from happening but they cost hundreds of dollars. So the only time you would actually buy them is if you are looking at a screen the entire day. So I agree with you it can damage your eyes.


    2. I try not to have too much screen time but a little bit won't hurt."Psychologist Dr Aric Sigman said a generation of children is developing a lifelong habit and in some cases dependency on small screens because of over-exposure in childhood."I found all this information on HuffPost LifeStyle if you want to find out more just check it out.

      -smiley mily

    3. mefungpoo it does make you blind.


    4. "Eyestrain,says Mark Bullimore, a professor at The Ohio State University College of Optometry, results from staring at a screen over long periods of time. Such activity causes eye exhaustion: burning, dryness and muscle aches—all unpleasant and potentially incapacitating symptoms while they last"(Scientific American).

      -Mr.edible stuff

    5. Children under three should never, or very rarely watch TV. If they do, it should be in the living room with the rest of the family – never in their own room. Older children should watch a maximum of two hours of TV a day – and channels like National Geographic are far better than those branded children’s TV "information from Dad.info"

    6. If you play on the computer screen for a long time it may damage your brain. Playing activity games outside is better for your brain.

      -Dr. Future

    7. I do not really think it makes you blind , but lets look at all of what the people are saying. Some say it makes you blind, others like most boys say they couldn't live without games. Lets think the main things that you need to survive is oxygen water and food. OK, now think would playing video games wreck your eyes. Yes i think so . What is your idea. I want to know.
      - Miss pineapple

    8. " Second, players of violent video games are more likely to identify with a violent character. If the game is a first person shooter, players have the same visual perspective as the killer. If the game is third person, the player controls the actions of the violent character from a more distant visual perspective. In a violent TV program, viewers might or might not identify with a violent character. People are more likely to behave aggressively themselves when they identify with a violent character (e.g., Konijn et al., 2007) "


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  16. I think that some video games could be of use, but not all of them.
    Maybe some video games should be allowed.


  17. Micraft and little big planet can only be used as education if you use them for good things not just for fun

    hockeyplayer #19

  18. It also depends on how much you play and what kind. You know thier are some games that are made to educate some are made for exercise. And besides playing outside or a bord game



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