FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hockey equipment

I'm going to talk about hockey equipment and how expensive it can get. An entire set can be over $400 and that's only used. A new set is over $600. This is why I think that the Hockey Helpers Foundation is a great foundation for people who don't have enough money to buy hockey equipment. Also, sometimes used hockey equipment can cause more damage; for example a helmet can have a crack under the packing. That's why I think the Hockey Helpers foundation is a great foundation.

- mefungpoo 


  1. I know that I spelled hockey wrong. It's just a miner failure that I made.So don't bug me about it.


    1. That's okay. Everyone has to make a mistake once and awhile.P.S Another minor mistake minor is spelled with an o.


  2. This is probably an amazing cause. Many people want their kids to have an extra sport so they don't become a couch potato. If they can't afford equipment they can always go there. This is a really cool to just think about. I hope that you catch many peoples attention.


  3. Wow,that is a very good topic mefungpoo!I personally don't play hockey but that is amazing,$400 for a used hockey set!That is a lot of money!$400 could replace my Christmas presents and my sisters.I wonder how much lessons cost?

    -smiley mily

    1. I think $400 is a rip offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

      Mr. edible stuff

    2. I agree with Mr.edible stuff.

    3. Lessons can cost $100-$200. To play hockey it can cost up to $200. So it's a quite expensive sport.


    4. yes I agree


    5. man hockey is expensive


    6. Are you kidding me!?

      -Mr. edible

    7. Its not a rip off if you look at it a certain way than its not a rip off because you really want to play.

  4. The way you explained Hockey Helpers Foundation sound so evil because you said that the equipment would crack easier.So it makes it sound like a rip- of.But the price is very expensive.Not only expensive but safe because you can't get servilely injured.Nice blog and picture.

  5. The way you explained hokey helpers foundation it sounds great but have you ever have had a tour of it to see how it works. The grade six boys had a tour of a different hokey foundation called the brick sports central, they buy new helmets an get every thing else used.They also give used skies and other winter sports stuff.

  6. I don't play hockey but I think I know what you're talking about it's kind of like soccer equipment except it's not as pricey. Personally I think $400 is overkill for sports equipment, but it's not my choice but the company that makes the stuff.

    -Mr. edible stuff

  7. How much is new and used equipment? How much is goalie equipment cost? How much does ball hockey equipment? Why did you mefungpoo chose this subject? It was a good bloger of the week.

  8. Is it literly $600 for a new set. I could take 2 hole sessions of gymnastics. Hockey is a great sport and all, but $400-$600. I wonder how much a lesson is? I am glad that my brother likes soccer.

    -Evil Cheesecake

  9. WOW! That is a lot of money for Hockey Equipment!
    I think that they should make better equipment out of that money.
    To much of the stuff breaks to fast.
    By the way awesome Blog!


  10. I totally agree with you because the hockey helpers
    club is really nice because it gets kids to play the sport that they like .I don't really like hockey too much .That's because I can't skate very good . $400 is way overkill for a game .


  11. Just out of curiosity (mefungpoo) where did you come up with this topic

    -Mr. edible stuff

  12. I thought that if you buy a whole set it will cost a lot of money. The only thing is that I didn't know that it costed over 600 dollars a set. I also think that the Hockey Helpers foundation is doing a awesome job of helping pour people who still want to play hockey. Nice blog and picture too!

    -Dr. Future

  13. I think that is lots of money for hockey equipment.How much is it for goaile equipment?Mefungpoo how did you came up with this idea?Great blog mefungpoo.

    -evil bunny


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