FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, January 30, 2015

Birthday Traditions

Everyone in the world has a special day for themselves. In some countries it is names days, where each name has a day (or two or three) that is shown on a calendar and that day is ,as their birthday. If the person is not born exactly on that day, it is the closest to their birthday. Someone in these countries still has a birthday just doesn’t celebrate it. In other places in the world the they just celebrate the day you were born because that is the tradition in most countries. Today the names for January 30 are http://www.namedaycalendar.com/january/30.
It is interesting how each country has one,two, three or more!

As most of us know there is a different way of saying happy birthday in each language. Some cool ways I think of saying happy birthday are; in Afrikaans :Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag, Brazil: Feliz aniversario,Feliz Aniversario, Catalan: bon aniversari, Dutch: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd metje verjaardag,Estonian: Palju onne sunnipaevaks!. They are all cool and most you could understand with your own knowledge of english. The site that helped me is: http://www.birthdaycelebrations.net/howhappybirthdayissaid.htm there is a lot of other languages you could find their how to say “Happy birthday.”

There are also different traditions. In the world now there is not as much strength in the culture of celebrating the birthday in a special or grouped way as our ancestors did. Now in some countries they celebrate just a party. The traditions are quite different from country to country(even in the same continent) and quite a few have lots of things that represent the hope of a long life. Here are some traditions: in new zealand they sing happy birthday and clap for each of the years that person is celebrating and then one extra for good luck. In holland when the gift is wrapped in black or white that is considered bad luck. A japanese tradition  is a shichi-go-san festival(seven-five-three festival,seven,five and three are the most important). In Russia the birthday child often doesn’t receive a cake but a pie! So as you see there are  different traditions, the site I got the information from is: http://www.coolest-kid-birthday-parties.com/birthday-traditions.html it has lots of things about birthdays and you can see that a lot of birtday traditions are about luck and money/coins.
So as seen, many different things one can learn from in birthday traditions or celebrations.
- What type of Birthday traditions do you have?
-What other traditions do you know?
-What is your favorite part of your Birthday?
- Have you ever done something totally different at a friends party?



  1. Cool falling26,
    I know a family that is swedish. Their tradition is kind of like breakfast in bed, but they make a cake that is basically a giant pile of pancakes with nutella in between each pancake and whipped cream on top. After, they make the cake (I don't remember the name) they bring it to the birthday person's bedroom and sing happy birthday in swedish. After that, they all eat the cake on the birthday person's bed (the reason I know about this tradition is that I have slept over at their house the night before someone in their family's birthday) .

    My on my birthday my family and I: get up late, eat a special breakfast and then I get to choose what to do in the day. For dinner I get to choose what we eat, we usually go out for dinner. I have a lot of favorite things about my birthday. First I love eating all the good food, next, I like getting presents, and then, I like having birthday parties, and last, I like being boss of the house!


    1. That sounds fun being the boss of the house. That means like you said, getting to choose the dinner and getting to choose who does what sometimes, maybe just maybe.
      That Swedish family you were talking about, that is very interesting how they put pancakes and nuttela with whipped cream. I think that would be less work to make but you would still have to clean up the crumbs in the bedroom.

      Great post Awesomeness

  2. In my house the person with the birthday it is supposed to pick the supper for the night and gets the last piece of cake. I don't know of any other traditions of the top of my head. The CAKE is by far the best part. I went to the launch pad and did a front flip off the high jump and landed in the foam pit right arm first. It was AWESOME.


    1. That sounds nice to pick the dinner, their are so many different types of dinner you could choose from right and it sound very special to eat the last piece of cake.
      Yes that might sound awesome to jump in a foam pit arm first but that to me sounds scary! Just one question did you do that for your birthday?

      Great post waxierwharf360

  3. well falling26
    For my birthday I usually have 2 birthday parties one with my family and one with my friends.I have my family party on my real birthday and my friend birthday party on the weekend.I don't know any other traditions sorry.
    My favorite part of my birthday is that I can have my family and friends over (and of course PRESENTS!)Yes I have done something different at someones parties it was a treasure hunt.


    1. Cool bunbunny
      For my birthday this year I also had 2 birthday parties- I think it is just better that way. Then family and friends can be separated and you can do your traditions that you have with one group and the other traditions with the other group.
      I do think that presents is mostly everyone's favorite part of their birthday( including mine).
      I actually think that most people do treasure hunts or something like that for their party. It is fun and you can win prizes or little gifts at someone else's celebration.
      Good post bunbunny

  4. Dear falling26 last year I went to the man made lake by our house ( you have to live in the area to get in). Anyway we rented a huge tent. Instead of having cake I had BBQ Donuts THEY ARE SO GOOD! they taste even better then mini donuts heres how to make them. 1.get completely frozen donuts with nothing on or in them then fully dip them fully in melted butter then roll them in shugar then BBQ them for 1 min on each side then enjoy! -bowwow12

    1. Cool bowwow12
      That does sound delicious. Thanks for explaining how you make the BBQ doughnuts .
      Good post bowwow12

  5. Good job falling26. I liked how you put the websites on your blog where you got your information from. When it is my birthday I usually have two parties one for my friends and one
    for my family. I don't really know any other birthday traditions. My favorite part about my birthday is spending time with my family and friends but I also like the presents. For my friends
    birthday I have went to a couple slumber parties. - bugs bunny

    1. Thanks bugs bunny,
      For my birthday party this year I did 2 birthday parties- I think most people do that too.
      I think that is most peoples favorite thing about their birthday party the PRESENTS!
      Some older kids host slumber parties. I do think it is a wonderful experience with your friends.
      Good post bugs bunny

  6. Dear falling26
    For my birthday I went swimming with my friends at Tiwilliger. We had alot of fun also we did Rainbow loom there to. It was a lot of fun and my friends had fun to. That is the best part if your friends are having fun. I don`t know any other tradions sorry. My favourite part about my birthday is hanging with my friends and have lots of fun together and make each other laugh.

    Something different is that not alot of my friends have slumber parties. I used to not be allowed to go to slumber parties, but now I can but my parents say that it dappents who is hosting it and when it is. For one party we went to Lake Summerside it was so much fun. We did a scavenger hunt, got to play in the park, and eat of coruse. For dessert we had bbq dounats. They where delicous.

    1. Cool tweetybird,
      That sounds fun to go swimming for your birthday. Rainbow loom is also lots of fun to do. Yes I the best part is to have fun maybe the presents too, I think most people agree with me, laughing too.
      Yes slumber parties my parents did not allow me until I was 10. I think some parents only allow them at the age of 10 or 9 but some allow them at the age of 6,7 or 8.
      That does sound fun and delicious. I also had treasure hunt for my birthday. That was fun!
      Great post tweetybird,

  7. Dear faling26 I think that this was very good blog because I can see that you did lots of research. Some of my birthday traditions are that on me or my sisters birthday we go out for dinner or we also have cake during the family party.Some other traditions I know we do are go to DQ [Dairy queen]on Victoria day.I think the best part of my birthday last year was when we went to the park near house and played family .I think that this was a very good blog


  8. dear falling26 that is an excellent topic to write about.
    My birthday tradition is , well it's also my sisters. My family and I USUALLY go. Not all the time, but we usually go to the melting pot. It's only a birthday tradition because it is like 200 dollars to go there. When we get seated my sister and I choose our cutlery. My favourite colour is the magenta. Then after for a treat we go to the spa that they have in there restaurant. It is SO MUCH FUN!!!!!Aloso my oma she always bakes my favourite thing of hers...CHOCOLATE CUPCAKES. This girl in my dance class Emma, on her birthday she gets to choose what her mom cooks for her. I think that is pretty cool, this year she chose ribs and mashed potatoes. That makes me in the mood for food.

    My favourite part of my birthday is getting together with my family and doing these things. Playing home free, making jokes, showing my cousins dancing, showing my dances, randomly dancing to weird songs, and playing soccer in the basement. It is a lot of fun. I also like it when we sing happy birthday. We also talk about really odd things at the table. Well at Kyra's birthday party this year we rainbow loomed at a swimming place. At my sisters party it was a Hollywood theme and we did a fashion show.


  9. My family doesn't have any birthday tradition if we want to do something well do it there is no certain thing we do. I know one of my friend named noel he and his family go's on a vacation somewhere. My favourite part about my birthday is having a party with some of my friends and of cores I think some people also like this thing and that is opening presents. I also like to spend some time with my family .At one of my cousins birthday party I did something totally different and that was I got to go to a lunch pad.


    1. I have been to launchpad twice it is so fun
      -count sudoku

  10. Well falling26
    I usually go out for dinner and the birthday kid gets to pick where we go for my sisters birthday we got go to Calgary AND she gets to pick twice one had to be a fast-food restaurant and one can be whatever she wants. I don't think its fair that she gets two.

    Monday (Feb.5.) was my birthday party and we went to laser quest and had so much fun (in case you didn't know lazer quest is a laser tag place). I think the best thing about birthday parties is the time you spend with family and friends.


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