FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, February 13, 2015

Be my Valentine here, there or anywhere!

Valentine's day is coming up and  I decided to write about it.Lots of people celebrate valentine's day because it is a day where everyone can show how much they love someone .All countries have different traditions and celebrations for Valentine's day .   Some  examples are in Mexico.   They have a concert in the country and sell flowers chocolate and handmade cards.   They sell out  like crazy my dad went to Mexico  in november and they were already selling!Just like on christmas they exchange gifts .

In India people celebrate in a completely different way .What they do is that one boy and one girl get together  and have a party. Some boys  may ask girls on a date  or  even propose if they are old enough .In India some people tie a knot  to show a long and lovely relationship .Just like in most places  they also give out cards, flowers ,heart shaped chocolates and  candies to their loved ones.This is also a major festival that means gift shops and malls are super busy.

The last country I’ll be talking about is Brazil. In Brazil instead of celebrating on February 14 they celebrate  on the 12 of June .In Brazil  they call valentine's day  ‘’Dia dos Namorados’’.They also have a huge festival.   At the festival there's lights, shows,concerts ,dancing and foods

Valentine's day is celebrated all over the world but all in different way’s.

1.What  do you do for Valentine's day?

2.What other Valentine's celebrations do you know of and where are they from?

3.If you were to do any of the traditions I mentioned what would it be and why?

4. Do you do anything similar to the traditions   I mentioned and which one?     



  1. I don't do anything special for Valentine's day. Maybe I will be nicer to my sister but probable not. I don't know of any celebrations other than what you told me. I don't feel like doing any although I might do the brazil tradition because It is around the end of school so I would not do "Valentine Activities" that I probable won't enjoy. I don't do anything that is close to what you said. Although I can't really say anything great post.


  2. l do a lot of things on valentine's day this year it will be a surprise. l really want to know what we are doing. It might not be anything but l think that we are going to do something interesting. l got some idea's like going to the launchpad or lots of different places it might also be jasper.

    from JDOG11

  3. At school I give people chocolates or candy and cards, sometimes I get a lot from other people too. At home I give my family cards or chocolate and My whole family give me thing and not anything. I don't know any Valentine's celebration and any of my friends didn't tell any of theirs. I don't know any of ones I want to do. I think I'll stay with mine. I don't know.


  4. For Valentine's day I like to exchange cards and do something really special for someone really
    special.It is very special to me when I see lots of people handing out cards so its not just me.
    I dont know any celebrations. I think I would do the Mexican one or the Indian one to see the
    different way people celebrate because it bring love and joy to my heart.I would love to do the one from Brazil because it is very different then what we do here in Edmonton.

  5. Dear fish04 , For Valentine's day I always make Valentine Cards for my class. Well I know of two ways for example in Germany and Austria they don't hand out Valentines they just give out cards and roses to their Valentine. I'd like to be in Mexico because it would be fun to be at a Valentine concert every year because I have only been to one concert in my life.I don't do anything that you mentioned in this blog.

    1. sorry this was from ~bunbunny

  6. At my house, we don't have any Valentine's Day traditions. It's just a normal day in the household. Some people would say that Valentine's day is boring at my house, but it probably is for them. For me, I just like it because it's another day to play video games. I know, it's a normal day for me. I wonder if most families do something for Valentines day. If my family is the one and only family who doesn't do something on Valentines day, I would be really surprised.

    I had no idea that there were Valentines day celebrations, so of course, I don't know of any other festivals or parades from around the world.

    Well, I would probably go to Brazil if I were to go to a parade or festival from around the world. I would go there because Brazil looks like a really nice place. It's not too cold, plus, I like hot temperatures. I would think that it would be a really fun place to stay. I don't know why, I just think that it would be a really nice place to stay.

    Like I said before, I do not have any Valentine day traditions.


  7. For valentines day my family and I go to my cousins house and play some games.They also make some heart shape valentines cookies or we make some portugal cookies which takes like 2 hours.Then I go to my grandma and grandpa's house and order a pizza. I don't know of any other traditions maybe I have to look into that.

    I would probably do the one in Mexico because I really want a to go to that country concert because I never bin to a concert before. I want to buy a card for my family and I could put a small chocolate in the card.I don't have any smaller traditions to any of the ones you named.


  8. Dear fish04
    I think it is cool that you did this topic but my family really doesn't celebrate valentines day that much as other families so I don't do much. I was really surprised about mexico that is ridiculous!! I heard of this one place/culture that gives out toys!

    How ever my bus driver said we MIGHT have a party today but I didn't bring a decoration so I might not get any!!!! :( I dont' like that idea but I think valentines day is good to stock up on candy. I like how Mrs. Grimes put it : it is about kindness and friendship.

  9. My family does give out candy but its nothing HUGE like some families do but my mom won't be here on valentines day this year because shes in sherbrooke for canada winter games. We will sometimes go out to a restaurant for breakfast though. I'm not sure what were going to this valentines day but it will be fun. -bowwow12

  10. Dear fish04
    What I do for valentines day is that my parents give my brother and I a gift and a card.My brother and I give our Mom,Dad and Oma and Opa cards for valentines day. In Paris to show they love someone that put a lock on a bridge and then lock it and throw that key into the ocean.Thats the only one I know. Sorry. I give flowers to my mom and I give chocolates to my Mom,Dad,Oma,Opa,Auntie and my teachers.

    I might do the Brazil one you mentioned. Why because even though they celebrate it on June.12, it just seems interesting to do them. I also like celebrating valentines day no matter what. It just is interesting to people you like them and you show that you love them.

  11. Fantastic job on your post fish04 what I do for Valentine's day is I give everybody a card.I don't know of any Valentine's day celebrated in other countries.If I were to do any of the traditions you mentioned I would chose Brazil because I like festivals,dances,lights and food.

    I do one similar to Mexico in a way wich one do you do

    from your friend snowball29

  12. Good job fish04 it was very interesting. There was a few mistakes though. Did you know a lot about Valentine's day before or did you search it up. What I do for Valentine's day is my family spend a lot of time together and my dad always makes heart shape waffles for supper. There so GOOD!

    I sadly don't know any other Valentine's celebrations. I would probably most likely do the Mexican traditions because it is similar to what I do.

  13. what i do on valentine's day is celebrate with my family we have alot of fun getting cards and boxs of chocolate valentine's is my favourite holiday. i dont know any traditions of valentine's day.


  14. Well one “Valentine’s day” tradition I know is in south korea there is one day where the boys give the girls candy. Then later in the year the girls give the boys chocolate. when I “celebrate” valentine’s day I really don’t do anything but random acts of kindness. If I were to do any of those traditions I would probably stick with flowers.


  15. I give candies and cards to my friends and family. The most favourite thing I like about Valentine day is that I get candies and cards. Will I don't know that much but my friend told me that her tradition was different but I forget it.

    I do similar like give out candies and cards but we do a bit different like we have to pick which person you want to give and get a present for them.

    ~by unicorn123

  16. Dear fish04,
    What I usually give out homemade cards to the class and in the younger classes we had a lunch were everyone had to bring one thing we had lots of fun doing it! At home this year my parents are going to a special dinner and my sister and I are having someone from our neighbourhood look after us that is a friend of ours.
    I am not sure of any other major traditions but their are some people that have a party (mostly adults)and spend time with their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend. I do think that most Europeans do something like that.
    It probably would be the traditions in mexico or brazil because the chocolate sounds good. I kind of also want to go to Brazil.
    Great post

  17. Cool post,
    For valentine's day I celebrate my mom and dad's anniversary. So my mom and dad exchange gifts like chocolate, flowers and cards. I usually hand out valentines to my class. I do not know of any valentine tradition. I like the festival idea because there is food and games.


  18. Dear fish04,
    I love this idea, on valentines day I usually make a card for my parents. A lot of the time we also go to a restaurant. I like going to Boston Pizza mostly because I'm waiting for them to make a kids heart pizza. I think they have it in adult size but I'm not sure. I can't remember but I think I go to my Oma's house. I think we come for a big meal and have chocolate cake. We also celebrate my dad's birthday sometimes.I don't know any traditions in other places but I think it would be cool that in Disney Land they dressed up like a disney character that wears pink or red or was pink or red.

    I would do the one in Mexico.. Mostly because I really want to go to a concert and I like buying thing. Not really because I've never heard of it really.


  19. Nice post fish04,
    for valentine's I usually give cards to people in my class and my family. I don't know about what they do in other places, but guessing that anybody who celebrates it will give cards to family and friends. It would be kind of interesting to go somewhere else for valentine's. Last year I was in hawaii for valentine's but I didn't see anything different happening there.

    I guess if I had to pick one it would be Mexico. I don't really do anything special but last year when I was in Hawaii and my Mom bought me a turtle necklace and a painting of my name so I guess you could call that special.


  20. Dear fish04,
    My parents and my sister and I usually exchange gifts on the actual day of valentines. Then we usually celebrate ourselves and our family along with how lucky we are. At my aunts house they give each other priceless presents and eat cake.

    I really like the idea of the brazillian traditions because I like it.

  21. well I do know valentine's day is a day where you do kind things for your family. And write cards to your family and friends i'm thinking of getting my big sister a box of candy and flowers and I am thinking of doing something nice for my family.


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