FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, February 20, 2015


First of all, monsters can look like anything you can imagine. Monsters can have wings, horns, tails, teeth, no teeth, eyes, no eyes and anything else you can imagine. Monsters are basicly anything you can imagine or draw. They could have any features, shape, size or form.

Monsters don’t just look different, they also have different personalities. Some can be mean, some can be kind and some can be both. They don’t have to mean or kind, they can have what ever personalities you can think of. Some can look scary, some can look kind, some can look weird.

I like scary monsters, and I also love drawing them. It is fun to draw monsters because you can add anything you like. A drawing of a monster can’t be a bad drawing because every single monster can look different. Your monster can be super detailed or just a random shape, yet both are still monsters.

If I were to draw a monster it would have giant dragon wings, a small, scaly body, 3 eyes, a circular mouth with 10 sharp teeth (5 on the top and 5 on the bottom) and Giant, razor sharp claws.

What would your monster look like if you were to draw one?

Where would your monster live?

What would be the purpose of your monster?



  1. Good job Awesomeness. My monster would probably live in a forest or the arctic. Where would monster live Awesomeness? I don't really know my monster purpose. from bugs bunny.

    1. My monster would live in a cave.


  2. My monster would have long ears and a fat long fluffy body and a fluffy cotton tail and little pink feet.Well my monster would live in a made up country called lollipop land.My monster would save people and animals.Her name is Super Bunny Pig.


  3. it would look like my stuffie scar he is a little scary but he is more cute than scary.My "monster" lives in my bedside shelf and he loves it.My "monster" is here to keep me safe and healthy and he protects me at night. I love him!

  4. If I were to draw a monster mine would look like a dragon with two heads that both breth blue fire they would have two huge wings the monster would be able to light itself on fire it would eat sheep and live in a volcano. -bowwow12

  5. if I where to draw a monster it would have sharp claws one head a long tail and spikes on its back and wings if it had a purpose it would be helping people and it would live in a cave.


  6. My monster would life in a pokeball so I can take him out whenever I what even when i'm lonely. My monster would be derpy and his name would be derp. He came here to derp the world and look like an stick man. Mr derp will life in rainbow derp land dancing on unicorns. Derpy is 2D so now he can't break buildings easily.


  7. Dear Awesomeness this was a very good blog .My monster would have 3 heads 6 tentacles an egg shaped body with dragon horns and wings.He would live in the sea and help people who are stuck at sea.


  8. my monster would stand 2 meters high and love cake. she would be purple and say only cake.
    she would have two eyes and live on sesamie street . and is cookie monsters sister.and the only song she likes is ruber duckie

  9. Hi Awesomeness if I were to draw a monster it would look like a rat with brown fur, 6 whiskers, a long tail with black fur at the end, small bunny ears, and dark brown hare. It would live in the alleys of a city and scurry through garbage. It would have a shy kind personality


  10. My monster would live in north dakota because there is a lot more people the in alberta.
    He would be a laser tormenter meant to torment others.


  11. Wow. I don't know what my monster would look like if I were to draw one. I would probably make my monster have golden skin, it would have eyeholes but no eyes inside of them, a little bit of red under the eyeholes, a couple black freckles, it kind of looks like it's wearing a mask and when it screams it sounds like Chewbacca. Some of you might know what it is based off of, but I don't know. It's based off of one of the most popular horror games in the world. (I think). My brother likes to play it but I'm not allowed too.

    My monster would live in a haunted pizzeria somewhere in the U.S.A. Don't ask why it would be in the U.S.A, because I don't know why either. But, fortunately, in the day the pizzeria is a place of joy but at night everything goes viral. You should really know what game this is know. But, if you don't, I don't blame you. Not everybody plays video games.

    The purpose of my monster would to be to kill whoever comes near him. Don't bother him, unless you want to be dead.

    This was a short comment for me, but it will work.


  12. My monster would be a evil electricity pac-man killer . He has a dagger and shoot fireballs with octopus arms. He would kill every one. my monster would live on earth to kill everyone. he would kill every thing in the galaxy. He is never defeated, he is indestructible.


  13. Dear awesomeness
    My monster would be a circle and it would be cute and scary. It would live in a pretty sparkly castle. It would be purple and blue. The purpose of my monster is to make everyone cute and she wants to win the cutest monster in Cutieville. Her name would be Sweetpea.

  14. Dear Awesomeness,
    That was very good to write about.

    My monster would be purple and have a gold spike on it's head. It's name would chum chum. It would be a square. Chum chum would have one gigantic eye. Her belly would be pink. She has short arms. Chum chum's legs would be long and purple. She would probably live in a jungle island. Her purpose is basically spider man's powers.


  15. Monsters are super cool I think I could draw one for you later.
    My monster would live in the ocean and eat seaweed his job would be scaring little fish and killing animals.

    His name would be frank and his last name would be dan. Then he would play minecraft. Frank is very smart and needs to take a shower which you think would be impossible in the ocean.
    -count sudoku

  16. good job on the post Awesomeness.If I were to have a monster it would have a cat head, a phoenix tail, a water gun arm, a cerberus leg and a yellow spotted lizard tongue.It would live in a toilet in my house.

    It's perpose is to sit in my toilet and when someone comes in to use it they will scream there heads off
    from snowball29

  17. Cool post Awesomeness,
    I would have a small birdlike looking monster it would be small monster but it would have four legs that would have feathers on the legs. The feathers would be like fire, some a brilliant navy blue and some as orange as a pumpkin. It would have three curved talons as black as the night and sharper than knives. A beak as yellow as the sun. Bright blue eyes and a blood red tongue. It would be named flame and would be able to carry any load given to it. Flame could fly faster than any bird alive.

    My monster would live in my room and he would be my friend. He would help me carry heavy loads. Also he would send letters to my friends and family, they could also use him to send letters back.

  18. if I had a monster it would have wings one head and a tail claws and would live in a cave underwater and would help me be safe

  19. Dear Awesomeness

    your blog is well... AWESOME.My monster lives in a far away land called my imagenation. It is the best place in the world.It lives alone in a hole in the ground in the forest.I would give it a friend but it dangerous.If it encounters another monster it will go crazy and eat them.


  20. My monster would be pink and it would be a she and she would be the Ounee of hearts. My monster would live in heart kingdom. My monster's purpose would be spreading hearts and love all around the world
    -Raven Ounee


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