FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, March 13, 2015


Summer is my favourite season. l like summer because you can do a lot of things like riding bikes, going skateboarding, swimming outdoors, jumping on trampolines and lots of other things. l also like summer because of the hot weather. Summer is a good season because you can get tasty food that your parents might not buy in the other seasons.

ln the summer you can go camping. Let me tell you about the outdoor camps my family has been to, we have been to:Jasper, manitou lake, kelowna, dinosaur park… lt was very fun, or is going to be very fun. Summer is a fun season. l love it.

  1. What do you like to do in the summer and why?
  2. What is your favorite season and why? (one reason)
  3. Have you ever been to manitou lake?

by: JDOG11


  1. NO I don't like summer riding bikes and everything else that was mentioned is possible in other seasons (except winter for some). I love WINTER because of Christmas and New Year. No I have not been to manitou lake.


    1. WHAT you don't like riding bikes!


    2. Why do not like riding bikes.


  2. JDOG11,
    Something I like to do in Summer is eat popsicles,WHY you ask?Popsicles are tasty,cold and make your tongue different colors.My favorite season is WINTER because it is BUG FREE and WASP FREE and you can build snowmen,go sledding and go skating. Another reason is that my birthday is in Winter.NO I have never been to Manitou Lake.BUT I have been to Jasper.


    1. Dear bunbunny
      Good job on your comment but i think you could write a little more.

    2. I LOVE your comment.


  3. Summer is a fun season. I like summer mostly because of the sports. I like to play soccer, and I also like to do flips on a trampoline. You can also go riding a bike during summer, and lot's of other things. I think that summer is the season to just go outside and to do whatever you want. Sure, other seasons are fun too, but I think that summer is the ultimate season. And what I'm happy about is that summer is coming up very soon!

    I think that probably winter is my favourite season because you can go skiing and skiing is my favourite sport. Before I didn't really like skiing, but now that I'm really good at it I love to do it. My favourite place to ski at is probably Marmot Basin. I like it there because: A, It's in the mountains and B, they have really good runs there.Summer is a fun season. I like summer mostly because of the sports. I like to play soccer, and I also like to do flips on a trampoline. You can also go riding a bike during summer, and lot's of other things. I think that summer is the season to just go outside and to do whatever you want. Sure, other seasons are fun too, but I think that summer is the ultimate season. And what I'm happy about is that summer is coming up very soon!

    I think that probably winter is my favourite season because you can go skiing and skiing is my favourite sport. Before I didn't really like skiing, but now that I'm really good at it I love to do it. My favourite place to ski at is probably Marmot Basin. I like it there because: A, It's in the mountains and B, they have really good runs there. My favourite run there is probably Highway 16 (black diamond) or Hobbit's Hollow (blue square). Marmot Basin is awesome.

    I don't think I've been to Manitou Lake before in my life time.


  4. Dear JDOG11
    In the summer I like to go swimming,play tennis. This year in summer I am going to go to London,Paris,Austria,Germany,Switzerland,Italy. What is your favourite season? My favourite season is all of the seasons. Because they are all very beautiful seasons.

    I have not been to Manitou Lake.
    tweetybird P.S. please can you repond

    1. I am so jealous can I go too. Put me in your suitcase tweetybird PLEASE!


    2. My Oma and Opa are coming FROM Austria. I am excited because I haven't seen them for 2 years.


    3. Dear bunbunny
      I don` have room in my suitcase and even if I did i wouldn`t take you because I would kill you if you were in my suitcase and it would be too much money. SORRY BUNBUNNY

    4. I agree with bunbun
      -count sudoku

    5. aww


  5. Dear JDOG11 I like your blog.

    Question#2 :what is your favorite season why?
    My favorite season is winter because my birthday is in winter and no bugs and hot chocolate.

    Question#1: What do you like to do in the summer and why?
    My thing to do in summer is to go outside and hangout under my tree with my cat and riding my bike.


  6. dear JDOG11 fantastic job on the post.I have been to Lake Manitou It is fun.The summer is the best season on the planet.I have to agree with you summer is the best seasons. Do you like playing with lego during the summer?

    by snowball 29

  7. Good job,Jdog11
    I love your topic! I think you could check your spelling and maybe make sure it makes sense.
    What do you like to do in the summer and why? I like to swim at the lake in Salmon Arm
    at the Shuswaps!
    What is your favorite season and why? I think my favourite season is fall because it is cool not to hot and not to cold.I also like fall because it is when the leafs start changing colour and the wind blows cool air i love it.I also love the fact that the birds start flying
    Have you ever been to Manitou Lake?
    No,I have never been to Manitou Lake but i imagine it is beautiful and butterflies flying it might be a thing i should put on my bucket list.

    Gymnast 13

  8. Hey JDOG11
    I MUST HAVE MORE SUMMER!!!!!!!! Summer is good for lots of things like bike-riding, camping, swimming and GOING TO THE BEACH!

    I have not been Manitou lake before but I have been to other places like Miracle beach, B.C. and the United states of america. My favorite season is summer because there is so much you can do.
    -count sudoku

  9. Summer is a great season but it's not my favorite season. I like summer because it's warm you get to BBQ and swim and it's my birthday month. A thing that I don't like about summer is that there are so much bugs and you have to wear sunscreen when you go outside. You also can't play my favorite sport HOCKEY!!!!!!!! -bowwow12

  10. Will sometime i like to go biking at afternoon and eat popsicles stick and eat ice cream. I like to eat popsicles stick because it is cold and they are taste.

    My favourite season is winter because it is my birthday and it christmas.



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