FHS 16

FHS 16

Monday, April 13, 2015

Money, Money, Money


You need money in your life to buy things or you would be homeless.  I don’t have that much money but if you will get a lot of money  when you get a job.  Sometimes people travel to places and go play music to get money or people steal money from people, banks or places.  Many of the people in the world find valuables and sell it on Ebay or in stores.  I buy many things that sometimes waste money. I think scientists creating structures that cost like 2 million dollars will get rich.  

Monopoly and Game of Life have money in it but different kinds of money have higher bills and lower bills.  Monopoly used to have paper money now they changed it to plastic, money can look like the real money and use it.

 Having too much money is quite bad because you can’t hold that much money on you, like in some games you can hold 20 million dollars on one person.  If you have too much money you can buy so many things you will run out of money .  Too much money is bad thing because you won’t know what to do with it.

1. How would you make money and why?

2. Do you think money is good or bad thing and why?

3. What would you buy if you had endless money?


  1. I would make money by picking up pine cones. I would have made 75$ (25c each) if my mom had not talked me down to 20$. I picked up 300 pine cones in 15 minutes. Money is a good/bad thing depending on the person one of my classmates has a thousand dollars and constantly brags about having a thousand dollars.

    If I had a endless amount of money, I would buy a big house and a bugatti veyron super sport. I would also buy every Mcdonalds in albert and the company of coke and pepsi.

    1. Waxierwharf360

    2. you forgot your name

    3. Why are picking pine cones? Why would you buy every Mcdonalds?

    4. what the heck
      count sudoku

  2. Candyman,
    It depends on my life. I would be a Lawyer or a Artist or a Stage Designer. Money is a good thing because if we didn't have money imagine going to a store and saying "okay lets get a pizza" and not paying a cent. If I had endless money I'd give a lot of money to charities. Then I would go for family trips. I'd also get more x-box games for my family


    1. That's a good think if you donate money


  3. Good job on the blog.I would make money by going to a store called called SUPER STORE.I think MONEY is a bad thing because what would you do with all that money and why?I would buy fifteen lego sets. I would also buy a lot of warrior books to add to my collection of books.

    What made you think of writing about money.What would you buy if you have a lot of money?And how would you make money.

    by your friendly snowball29

  4. I would make money by being an engineer because when I was litter I wanted to an engineer because I love math. Will sometimes too much could be a bad but sometimes it is a good thing. I would buy a car and a big house.
    Candyman I really like your blog.
    -Raven Queen

  5. Cool,
    When I grow up, I want to make money and become an engineer. Money is a good thing because you can buy a lot of things with money, but sometimes money can be very annoying like when you really want a toy and your parents say you have to save up for it. If I had endless money I would buy anything anyone wanted.


  6. How you doing Candyman����������������������������������������
    I think you're right but did you know here comes a fun fact: 20 million dollars is the same amount to build one nuclear weapon? If I had endless money I would buy microsoft and give away all my endless money to people who actually need it.

    I would like to make money by owning a big company like Microsoft W.E.M. or Lego. I think money is a good thing so we can live.
    count sudoku������☺���� ������������������-.-

  7. Having lot's of money would make me the happiest man on earth. I think that I would make money by being an architect because I want to be an architect when I grow up, and because architects make lot's of money. I like to build and design stuff on Minecraft. I find that somehow building stuff on Minecraft would be similar to designing stuff in real life. I don't know how, I just think it would.

    I think that money is a good thing because if your kids really want something that they have been begging you to get for those stressful 4 months, you can get them that thing that they want! I'm not saying always get whatever your kids want unless you want your kids to be spoiled and expect whatever they want, though. And another reason why having lot's of money is a good thing is because, you can buy your dream house that you have always been dreaming about since you were a kid! I don't know about you, but I really want a big, modern house.

    If I had unlimited money, I would probably buy everything that I would ever want to buy. For example, I would buy the biggest house there is, I would also buy every single video game console that there is, I would buy every single apple card that there is also.


    1. I can't read everything right now


  8. Good job candyman. When I'm older I will work and get money. I think money is a good thing and a bad thing. You need money to survive, like buying food clothes and many more things. If you have to munch you might become greedy and selfish which is a bad thing. If I had endless money I would give some to charity, spend it some things and save it for college or university. bugs bunny.

  9. I think that I will try to make money by becoming a NHL hockey player or I might become a teacher or lawyer . If I had endless money I would buy season tickets to Calgary flames games or I might even buy them and become there ceo . I would also buy a mansion in the caribbean right on the beach . I would build an indoor hockey rink a hot tub and a laser tag area and much much more. I think that having too much money is a bad thing because if you have too much money you could start buying everything then you might go bankrupt then you'd have to pay taxes on it but you could donate it to charity so it depends who you give it too -bowwow12

  10. I would make money by getting a job because it is easier to make money that way but some people think it is easier to like do a hobby and sell there carasion. I think money is bad because if your prants have lots of money you will be spoiled because you can have whatever and your parents don't care.If you keep doing that all your money will be gone and you will lose all your friends because rich people think they don't need any friends they think they have everything.

    If i had endless money I would buy I big house and a really nice car and donate some money to charity.

  11. Dear Candyman,

    I am sure most parents that are not taking care of the little ones have a job. Even if one still is taking care of the little ones had a job a while ago. Jobs or chores can get you money, and you work for it.

    In a few years I am going to be babysitting with a friend. I have always had a interest in little ones and I think it is fun!

    I do think money is a good thing because it allows us to “pay back” easier or money can be a collectable if one has a interest in it. One can “save up” money for something. The down side of money is if one does not use it properly. It can so happen that sometimes people might use money in a bad way, like gambling too much(and when I say that I mean too much), using it on illegal drugs or something like that. With that said money can be a very good thing or the worst choice you’ve ever made.

    I really hope we don’t have to take every cent out our endless money to buy stuff, because if I had endless money I would take some put it in savings and then make sure all of my needs and major want’s would be covered then START DONATING !! Yes, I would just donate most of my endless money to charities and organizations and I would also give some money to family( especially my mom because she wants to help start a school for podiatry in Canada).

    Great post,

  12. This is a good blog because it was truthful . My plan to make money is to open a bakery with lots of pie to sell.I think money is a good thing because you have something to work for.plus some jobs are very fun like a realtor ,or chef.If I had endless money I would donate most of it to the stolleryhospital and the rest on a nice vacation to Hawaii or Arizona.You did a good job writing this blog.

  13. Dear Candyman I liked your blog,

    Question :#1

    To make money I would make brownies and lemonade. The reason why is because my grandmas brownies are(homemade and )delicious. I would choose lemonade because lemonade can be cold if you put ice cubes in it.

    Question :#3

    If I had all the money in the world I would buy all the cats that I could and of course cat food , dishes, cat trees, beds and a house so my cats could live in a nice comfy home. I would get food so that my cats could live. I would get all the other things to make them feel more at home and so there is enough space for everyone in my house.


  14. Great job on your blog candyman you could do a little more correcting and watching what you are doing but other than that it was great.

    " How would you make money and why "
    Well i would make money by getting a easy job during college in mid high school and start from there. I would make sure i get enough money and make sure in comfortable in that job. I would make money so i can feed myself and to keep myself healthy.(wired question)

    " Do you think money is a good thing or a bad thing "
    I think money is a good thing but too much money is a bad thing. I think money is a good thing because it helps us survive and well its everything we need money for everything like really everything. Thats why i think its a good thing but too much is not a good thing.

    " What would you bye if you had endless amounts of money "
    I would bye my own personal island and build my own dream house and live there and i would bring my family there and we would have boats and yea i loved your questions so yeah great job!!!

    -Gymnast 13

  15. dear candyman
    i am writing this about 4 years later. looking at all the memories. i dont think you will see this but i am sitting in front of sam while he is trying to rip a computer out of someones hands.

    - from bunbunny and Dragonfly101
    -aka Natasha and Maddy!!


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