FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas Traditions

Since it is the last week before Christmas break I decided to write about CHRISTMAS! All around the world countries celebrate Christmas differently. For example Austria(like what other country would I mention!). Austrians have Kristkind(Christ Child) instead of Santa. I also have Kristkind but not only Kristkind I also get presents from Santa Lucia(LOO-CHEE-a.) Santa Lucia is from Italy. She doesn't come to my house but we go to a friend of my grandpa’s House.

Okay, so that is who I get presents from Christmas time. Now lets talk about other countries...Well in China only some people are Christian so they do what we do put up a Christmas tree but in Chinese Santa Claus is ‘Shen dan lao ren’. In Mexico Christmas is Celebrated from Dec.12-Jan.6(Two days before my B-day!)  Swiss like to wear crowns on their heads and everyone has Advent calendars. In the UK(or great britain) they put up a Christmas tree(or even 2!) and instead of Santa Claus they have Father Christmas. Oh and I almost forgot Jewish families celebrate Chanukkah(Hanukkah.)
Now there are some different ways to celebrate Christmas.

What do you do for Christmas?

Do you do anything special for Christmas time if yes, What?

Do you know of any other traditions if yes which ones?

And since the first and second question are the similar…

Why do you think Christmas is so special?



  1. Dear bunbunny
    What I do for Christmas is I always go watch movies with my family to get us closer together. I also always play different kinds of games. What is special that I do is I get to enjoy the Christmas spirit and I always enjoy staying with my family and maybe friends. I do not know of other Christmas traditions.

    I think Christmas is special because it brings joy to people and it gets them in the Christmas spirit how it first started and what is Christmas is really about, because Christmas is really about Jesus being born in the stable and then everyone wanted, to come and give a present to him.

    1. Thats true Tweetybird did you know that about Switzerland?


  2. Good job bunbunny. You have lots of details in your blog. On Christmas my family and I we open our present from Santa Claus on Christmas morning. Then my dads side of the family comes over for dinner. Before Christmas we put up a Christmas tree and we decorate the tree. Do you have a Christmas tree?

    I do not know any other Christmas tradition. I think Christmas is special because thats when
    jesus was born. I also think Christmas is growing every year. What do want for Christmas
    from Santa this year.

    1. you forgot your name


  3. Dear bunbunny,
    For Christmas I usually stay here. I also always go to my Omas and Opas house, to decorate gingerbread cookies.All the time I go to the extreme with cookie decorating. I always have one favourite cookie that I decorated. This year my favourite cookie that I decorated was Crusty the clown from the Simpsons. I made him by taking a ginger bread man and putting two small sideways Christmas trees behind his head. I usually decorate the cookies with my cousins.

    The special thing I do for Christmas is on the 25th night of December I go to my Oma and Opa's house and all the family sits beside the Christmas tree in their living room and open presents.I love doing this, not because of the presents because I get to be with my family. I love being with my family.Actually yes I do know another traditions that I do.Sometimes I do a Christmas dance for my kind parents.Last year I did a dance to Jingle bells. This year I'm going to do a dance to here comes Santa Claus. The mickey mouse version.

    I think Christmas is special because most people get to spend a lot of time with their family and most people are very joly.


    1. very true point bluebell08 "HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS"


  4. Dear bunbunny to answer your fifth question Cristmas is so special because were celebrating Jesus birthday, world peace and the spirit of giving to the less forcenet. (but mostly Jesus birthday) For some kids though its all about the gifts now I do admit I do like the gifts but I don't go like crazy for the gifts like some kids do. One of my family tradition is to open one of our presents one Christmas eve.


  5. I usually wake up and go through my stocking before my parents awaken but I have to wait before opening presents. Then after we open the gifts we wait for my aunts Juanita, Krystal and Kathy and uncles Chris, Wes and Kelly.Every year for the last 4 my family had a Christmas.
    I think Christmas is special because of how it brings families closer together.


  6. Cool post bunbunny,
    I love Christmas and it is cool that all around the world families celebrate in different ways. For Christmas my family usually do the same thing every year, the weekend before Christmas we celebrate with my most of my Dads side of the family, by going out to my great aunt and uncles farm. Then on Christmas eve we go to my Oma and Opa's house to celebrate with my Moms side of the family. On Christmas day we open our presents and after we have brunch with the closer people in my Dads family.

    There is also one special we do at my Oma and Opa's house, there are small bags for everyone under 18. There every grown ups put a smaller present in it. Also we always go to church. We usually go sking in the mountains. I don't know any other celebrations for Christmas except Kristkind, which you already told about. iIt is special because it is fun and great to way to celebrate an awesome birthday.


  7. I have a big feast at Christmas and I stay for long time. We open our presents and we use them before we go to bed. We sing Christmas songs and most of our family members come to visit us to spend time with the family. We all play together and they sometimes they stay for 12:00 A.M. in the morning.

    Maybe I think I know but we don't do it, the tradition might be staying there until the morning. I think Christmas is so special because people stay around spend time with your family and having fun all night. I think Christmas is all about giving and celebrating about Jesus birth.

    I think Christmas is a wonderful time of the year.


  8. nice post bunbunny.I know of the french tradition it is pere noel( santa clause) he is the french version of santa.I think Christmas is special because it is a time of giving and to see people of your family and friends from far away.I do something special on Christmas I make a gigantic super I also go to dallas texas for a big family tradition.

    I eat KFC every two years on Christmas.I think I shouldn't get presents because the poor don't get gifts why should I thrive and get gifts and poor people don't.

  9. At Christmas I go to the outdoor rink to practice for hockey and have fun with my gifts. I also hang out with my friends and some times there come to my house and will play hockey. Ever year my dad and my stepsister will go play hockey.But my step mom is usall on a bises trip.


  10. good blog, bunbunny.
    Christmas is a wonderful time of the year.
    Christmas market, Santa gives presents, all the people are giving presents to each other. Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, Christmas tree. People like to celebrate Christmas. But how does bunbunny sad, in some places Christmas is different.

    In Belarus and Russia people do not really celebrate Christmas. But they celebrate New Year. They do all that stuff that we do for Christmas for New Year
    -spycatspydog 1

  11. Dear bun bunny
    What I do for Christmas is go to my great aunt's and open our presents from our stocking and stay up till 12:30pm eating veggie chips

  12. For Christmas my family unpacks presents on Christmas eve. In Germany heiligAbend (Christmas eve) like bunbunny said is when Kristkind brings presents. On the 6 of Dec.is st.Nicolas day from the knight of 5-6 he puts chocolate in our boots. In Germany a Christmas without a tree is unthinkable.

    There are many Christmas traditions And I just talked about some German ones but there are lots of other ones.


  13. Good post, but I would not post personal information like my birthday on a blog.
    For Christmas my family usually puts up a live tree because, no offence but I think a live tree is better because Christmas just is not the same without the smell of Christmas in the air.
    Do you like cats or is your picture just a cute picture?

    Christmas is special because it's a time when your family comes together and does something special.


  14. Dear bunbunny

    I love your blog it is great. I always go to my grandma and grandpa's houses all of my family is there. We go to our grandma and grandpa because we want to spend time with our family(at least we don't see them too often). We sleep over then we open presents in the morning. I love


  15. For Christmas I like to have a movie in my mom's bed and we eat popcorn. We like to bake cookies and croissants we do lots for Christmas. I know that a tradition is decorating the Christmas tree and putting up Christmas lights and believing in the holy spirit!
    I think Christmas is special because Christmas is the day Jesus was born and for me
    that is very important because I am Catholic infact Roman Catholic so that is very very important so yeah

    -gymnast 13

  16. We get to open one gift on Christmas eve and we have a special diner and we have meat for diner . No we don't do anything special for Christmas. Yes I do know one tradition it is called scary Santa. I think it is so special because Ganges was born on Christmas and because Christmas in about spending time with family.
    -Raven Queen

  17. I go to my friends house and play games and eat candies and foods.Then I go to my uncles and open presents and go to places and go to church.

    In our country we don't do Christmas tree we just celebrated Christmas and we don't do presents.

    I think Christmas is so special because you get present.


  18. I go to my uncles house and open gifts and eat food also we play board games as a family.Then we go to my aunts house and open gifts and play video games.We go tobogganing every year that is one of the special things we do.I don't know any other traditions I only know my own.I think Christmas is special because it is Jesus birthday.


  19. Dear bunbunny,
    I think we do a normal type of way at Christmas. We put up a tree, go to mass and celebrate with friends and family.
    What special do we do at Christmas,well instead of celebrating with our family on Christmas eve, we celebrate with them on Christmas day.
    I am Polish so in Poland instead of tinsel they have somtehing called " Angel Hair" that is almost like real hair.In that tradition they also have many little dishes on the supper table ,that everyone takes a bit of .
    The reason it is so special is because it is Jesus's birthday.
    Great post bunbunny


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