FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Specials

During Christmas time there are a lot of Christmas specials on TV.  Some of them are classics like How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Garfield, Charlie Brown, Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman and Elf. There are a lot of other movies that I can not remember off the top of my head. Those movies are more commonly seen/watched around Christmas.

This will be off topic but 79% of the kids are focused on the gifts not the family time and movies. They all just stare at the gifts shake them listen to them if they’re allowed.  Some kids are so bad that they sleep beside the tree until Christmas and wake up Christmas morning. Some kids don't even get presents but still people don't care.

Now back to the topic, If I were to make a Christmas special it would be about a doughnut named Arnold Candy cane who has to rescue Bob Bell his best bro while the towns people try to bombard him with Christmas decorations.

What is your favorite Christmas special and why?

If you could make a Christmas special what would it be about and who would be the main character be?

Why do you think Christmas specials are so popular?



  1. Dear Waxierwharf360
    My Christmas special is Santa Claus (Scott Calvin) 1,2,3. When I watch these movies it brings my family closer together. It is my favourite movie because it can be funny at times, but most of all it makes our family cuddle up and enjoy the movie like family movie night. If I could make a Chrsitmas special it would be about Elf and he gets lost andfd then he meets Frosty the snowman, Rudolph, and the abominable snowman. Then Elf wants to get home to the North Pole and then they help him.

    I think Christmas specials are popular because, they want to make people happy and so they know when Chrsitmas might be coming to town. Also lots of people are waiting to know about Christmas and some Chtristmas special talk about how Christmas is important.

    1. What does andfd mean


  2. My favourite Christmas special is Santa Clause 2 because its very funny and Jack Frost was Santa Claus because he wore the coat of the real Santa when he fell down the roof top. I would make a Christmas called Santa and Rudolph go present hunting and It would be about someone took the presents and Santa, Rudolph go looking for the toys. Santa and Rudolph find out who did it.Whoever the present taker was Santa would put the person on the naughty list forever.

    I think Christmas specials are so popular because there very funny and they only come out once a year. Christmas special wouldn't come ever two times a year.


    1. Don't you mean Christmas special not I would make Christmas called Santa and rudolph.


  3. Good job Waxierwharf360. What's your favorite Christmas specials? My favorite Christmas special is Elf because every time I watch it, it always makes me laugh? What made you write about Christmas specials? Do you watch the movies with your family?

    If I had to write a Christmas special it would be about a family and on Christmas someone takes all the the gifts in their neighbourhood. The kids would be the main characters.I think Christmas specials are so popular because they get you into the Christmas spirit.

    1. What is your username?


  4. Dear Waxierwharf360,
    I get what you mean about a Christmas special but don't watch a lot of movies especially around Christmas time so I am not very sure about which ones their are. So in conclusion I don't have a really favourite Christmas special.

    If I could make a Christmas movie it would be about, back then when people were so excited about the season.Then they lost their jobs due to depression and made the children so very sad. When that happened the main character, one of the kids Mary Cohlen found a way to get through the tough time. In the end the neighbours of Mary and her Family gathered together and had a very happy Christmas.

    I think Christmas Specials are so popular because they have attracted a lot of watchers and more and more. They also continue to attract people.

    Thanks for the great post Waxierwharf360

  5. My favorite Christmas special is definitely the one with the two elfs and have to give the presents to the people. I like how my family always records the Christmas specials and we can watch them over again.

    If I could make a Christmas show it would definitely be about a bunch of toys, like real toys not a ton of C.G.I. and fake stuff. They have to save Santa from falling into a trap from the
    non-believers to dispose of Santa. The main character would be a Lego space guy and have a blaster and was total computer freak and has his nose in a book when someone doesn't understand something and won't stop until he figures it out. I think they're so popular because they only come out at Christmas time.

    -count sudoku

  6. My favourite Christmas special is called The Sound Of Music. I like it because it is filmed in Austria. When you read this you probably are thinking "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT MOVIE" to answer that question it is a movie that is filmed a while ago( I don't have exact dates.) It is about a nun who was always late and the boss of the nuns said she should be the mom of this family who's mom died (but not getting married) and this family had 7 children. But the dad used to be a sailor( or something like that ) and he to control the kids he used a whistle.We always watch it around Christmas so my family calls it a Christmas special
    Hmmm? If I were to make a Christmas special it would probably be about white rabbits and guinea pigs! They are so popular because so many people watch them each year and they are entertaining.


  7. Good job on your post.My favourite Christmas special is ELF because it has a lot of funny moments on it.I think their called Christmas specials because they were on Tv for about 20 years.I would make a Christmas special with the characters of Seth,Snowball,and Salem and Maddox it would be about those 4 people who want the best Christmas but may have to fight their teacher because HE doesn't like Christmas.

    You are right about all the children only wanting all the gifts and not caring for the family. But I don't do that at all. I don't even think that would be very respectful to do that to relatives that spent all that money just to buy a stupid toy.

    from snowball29

  8. Dear Waxierwharf360,
    My favourite Christmas special is How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I like it because I'm a huge fan of the Grinch. I also like it because I really like how the Grinch turns nice at the end. But I like the cartoon one better then the human one. This is mostly because I find the Grinch disgusting. I also really like the story of Ebenezer Scrooge. I like it because he is not so a nice guy but people try to make him nice, and of course he turns nice at the end.

    My Christmas special would be a disney movie. It would be called The 24 Days of Christmas. The main character would be Minnie Mouse. It would basically be about how like let's say on the first day of Christmas one thing bad would happen. So technically every day the number of the day that's how many bad things would happen. But on the 25th day of Christmas everything goes back to normal.

    I think Christmas specials are popular because most Christmas specials make people laugh. It's mostly kids who really like them. It also is really good to watch them with your family and enjoy a Christmas movie. And most people would like to watch Christmas movies because they have Christmas characters in them.


  9. I'm sorry Waxierwharf360 but I can't really answer the first question, because my family doesn't have a TV for watching news. But before antenas for TV's were old and not to use any more the Heartland Christmas special was to me an amazing story. It is where wild horses are stranded in a valley with deep snow all around, the wolves can get them, and the owner of the land doesn’t care giving Amy and Ty a hard mission.

    If I could make a Christmas special it would be something like the Heartland special. It would be about a real life problem, finding an injured wolf for example, or something like that.


  10. My favourite Christmas special is definitely Home Alone. I LOVE IT.I think I like it so much is because it's about a 12 year old kid who outsmarts two adults (they call themselves the sticky bandits). It could also be the hummer in it because it is HILARIOUS. Another thing it could be is when the boy (Kevin) is living like a king in the hotel.

    I think that what makes Christmas specials so popular is that we relay on electronics for entertainment so if it's on the TV and its Christmas someone is going to watch it.That sounds like a Christmas movie I would like to see Waxierwharf360, I can't really think about a Christmas movie but I think if I were to make a Christmas movie it would be a combination Home alone and Rudolf. -bowwow12

  11. Dear,Waxierwharf360,
    I really love your idea of a christmas movie. I would happily watch it. Are you sure 79% of children actually do what you say they do or did you make it up. classics aren't just x-mas movies there original movies. My top four favorite christmas movies are The grinch, Rudolph, Frosty and scroodge. I like them because they're my taste.

    If I were to make a christmas movie it would be about going to the north pole to meet santa and save chistmas. The main character would be me of course. I think they are popular because their original. l like your post alot You should keep writing your really good. l admire your judgement. I wish you the best of luck in further blog posts. Have a happy New Year of 2015.

    Your friend,
    Dragonfly 101

    1. Well sorry AROUND 79% actually do what I said


  12. First of all my sister does not sleep by the tree because she hates sleeping on the floor and she doesn't care if she did not get any presents. Last year she did not get anything because she doesn't want anything so she did not get anything.My favorite Christmas special is Rudolph the red nose reindeer.

    I think Christmas is popular because you get presents from your mom or your dad and other peoples. I love getting presents.

    ~By Unicorn123

    1. I said Why are Christmas specials so popular

  13. Dear waxier wharf 360
    First of all that would be an awesome movie to watch and my sister does exactly what you explained in your paragraph. Sometimes on Christmas Eve she ransacks my stocking she loves Christmas and presents so much. She never shares,she is always screams and she is a brat. My favourite Christmas special is Rudolph the red nose reindeer.

    If I could make a Christmas special it would be about a girl that does not believe in Santa and tries to destroy Christmas. The main character. If I could make a Christmas special it would be about a girl that does not believe in Santa and try's to destroy Christmas. The main character is the girl that hates christmas. l think that it is about curling up with your family and watching them together.


  14. My favourite Christmas special is probably Charlie Brown Christmas. I like that Christmas Special because it's funny. Charlie Brown Christmas is about Charlie Brown (this is only part of the show) and his friends were doing a play of some sort and they needed a Christmas tree for the play. So, Charlie went to get a Christmas tree for the play but when he got back... It was one of the most hideous Christmas trees ever. All of his friends were mad at him, so he didn't feel good about that. He didn't want to feel any worse so he decided to walk away. His friends decided to be nice and fix the Christmas tree. They stole some Christmas decorations and ornaments from Charlie Browns dog, Snoopy to make the Christmas tree look better. So they did that and when Charlie Brown found out that they fixed the Christmas tree, he felt a lot better. Then, they started to celebrate!

    If I were to make a Christmas special, it would probably be about me and my friend (my roommate in the show), Mr.Patty fighting about which Christmas tree to get. I would want a nice shiny fake white one and Mr.Patty would want a regular green Christmas tree that is real. We wouldn't get along so we had to make half of our Christmas tree white and fake, and the other half green and real. We couldn't find a Christmas tree like that in any of the Christmas stores so we started to browse around on eBay and eventually we found a homemade Christmas tree that was exactly what we wanted. But, unfortunately, it was the price. The price was $1345.67. That was WAY Mr.Patties budget, but me, I didn't HAVE a budget! Mr.Patty said that I could buy it all with my money because it was way over my roommates budget. So, I bought the Christmas tree and after that me and Mr.Patty had a good Christmas.

    I think that Christmas specials are SO popular because when it's Christmas, you don't want to watch boring old regular shows, you want to watch Christmas shows because it's Christmas!! I usually watch at least two Christmas specials in December each year. I like all Christmas specials because their CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! Who doesn't want to watch Christmas specials?

    I love Christmas.


    1. People with no Tv can't watch Christmas specials.


  15. My favorite Christmas special is Rudolph because it has a reindeer in it and because he helps Father Christmas. If I made a Christmas special it would be a family movie and the main character would be Barbie.

    I think they are popular because they are about Christmas and everyone loves Christmas and they only show the Christmas specials at Christmas time.

    -Raven Queen

  16. My favourite Christmas special is Frosty the Snowman because its funny and entertaining. Christmas specials are popular because they are funny and cool and has stories in the movie and are very entertaining


  17. Cool post,
    Some of us don't watch cable TV for example, me. Yes, it might seem crazy but I watch Netflix.But some of us also have the DVDs at home. So we watch those instead. For example, I have the Grinch Who Stole Christmas on DVD and my family and I watch it almost every year at Christmas time.

    I don't know what my favourite Christmas special is. If I where to make a Christmas to make a Christmas special it would be about a boy named Jake and he would travel to the north pole to try and find Santa Claus and the main character would be Jake. I think Christmas specials are so popular because they are dedicated to Christmas and they are just good movies.


  18. my favorite Christmas special is home alone. l like 1 and 2 they are both about Christmas. oh l totally forgot about number 5 it is also about Christmas. lets talk more about number 5 it is very funny. yes there is a part that l don't like and it is that Kevin is older in number 5 then in all the other.

  19. My favorite Christmas special is Home Alone and I have seen all 5 of them. Home Alone is a funny movie. The movie is about this kid named Kevin got left home because his parents forgot to bring him . I don't have a favorite one out of the 5 different kinds of Home lone movies.

    If I made my own Christmas special it would be about a Christmas tree and a candy cane. The Christmas tree does not want to be chopped down and decorated .Then the candy cane decides to camouflage it as an old Christmas tree. Nobody would find it.That is what it is going to be about. Christmas specials are so popular because some of the movies are filmed in the snow.They are also very funny.


  20. My favourite christmas movie is Home Alone 1, 2 and 3. The reason I said movie is because I don't own cable. I am going to start from3 down to 1 and write about the movie. In number one they used a different kid because he is an adult I'm pretty sure.

    I think christmas specials are awesome because they are funny.

  21. Dear waxierwharf360

    If I could make a Christmas specail it would be about two cats that are from differnt places one a country cat the other a picky hollywood star. Thier owners want to be together for Christmas so they must learn to live together to make their owners happy.

    I think Christmas specials are so popular because almost everyone loves christmas and watching christmas movies together.



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