FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, December 5, 2014


My favourite hobby is dance. Dance is a beautiful art. I think I will dance for the rest of my life.

Mostly because I think I’m good at it, and because when I dance I start to smile. I dance four times a week. On Mondays I dance ballet and jazz. Later in the day on Thursday I dance ballet choreo, ballet tech, and lyrical. On Fridays I dance musical theater. And on Saturdays I dance jazz and acro. My favourite type of dance is jazz, because I think I have a lot of personality. I’m pretty sure I get all of my personality from my sister. 

Dance is the only hobby I do, because I quit soccer and I quit gymnastics. It was hard to quit gymnastics. But quitting soccer was like a piece of cake. I don’t care though now because I think that’s how I got better at dance. My goal with dancing is to always get better and better. Because if I work even harder and harder every time. Usually in dance class we have one big prize and a ton of small prizes.This year she is trying to give out a rainbow sock monkey. Another one of my goals is to do a side aerial and a rollover pretzel. If I succeed them I will move on to another goal.

-What is your hobby?
-What’s your favourite part about it?
-What is your goal with it?



  1. Dear bluebell08
    My favourite hobby as you all ready know is swimming and skiing. Why I choose two sports is because it is very hard to choose one. My favourite part about my hobbies is that I get exercise and I also am lucky that I get to do sports and that I have hobbies.

    My goal is that I want to get to a higher level so that I am capable to do better and more things. I also want to be in a higher level in skiing because if I ever get into a avalanch, maybe I could survive the avalanche. In swimming if I get to a higher level maybe, I could be a lifeguard and maybe save someones life. That is why my hobbies are important.

  2. My hobby is playing shooting video games. My favourite part about it shooting the people but its quite hard I am better then my brother because I have more experience in games then my brother I don't fail many times. My goal is finishing the game and completing mission, not dieing too. I get frustrated when I'm so close to finishing the mission then I die.


    1. Dear Candyman
      I think you have a great hobby. Because you have to have a really good aim for those kinds of games. I get how you feel when you die when you are so close to finishing.


  3. Dear tweetybird,
    I think it's great that you would want to be a lifeguard. Because being a lifeguard would be a really hard job. It's also really amazing because saving someones life from drowning is really scary. But if you did do that you would be really good at it.


    1. Dear bluebell08
      Thankyou for having faith in me, but I might not be a lifeguard . That is just something to think about.

  4. I have many hobbies. One of them is driving people insane (It is used alot in my house). Another is more common and it is more interesting. (#BlackOps2ForLife). I love the zombies mode but unless Eli is over we play 2 rounds and then play the multiplayer mode in the therapy office in the carrier map.

    My goal is to make it to round 100 by my self on the town map in zombies. The closest I have been was round 25 and I instantly died on round 26. Well yea I had so much hate for the game and was very sad, good game me.


  5. A hobby is something you do to entertain yourself. I like to play video games (obviously), and I also like to play sports. My favourite subject is gym, so thats why I like sports. In January, I will start playing Dodgeball. I like to play Dodgeball because I like to whip the balls at people and I don't really care about accuracy. I just whip the ball and hope the ball hits somebody. I also like to play Minecraft on the PC. I think almost all of the kids in my class like to play minecraft, except for just a couple people. My favourite part about Minecraft is that you can add mods. Mods are things you download off of the internet to add to your game. For example, there is a mod called Pixelmon. It's basically Pokemon in Minecraft... Actually it is Pokemon in Minecraft.

    So, my goal for dodgeball is to become a champion dodgeball player and to start playing in leagues for dodgeball. Leagues are competitive tournaments and if you win the final game, you often receive a trophy. My goal in Minecraft is to make a complete modpack that actually works. A modpack is a whole bunch of mods together and you play all of those mods all at once. I've already tried to make a couple modpacks, but only one works. I just got a whole bunch of mods from a website... There was really no purpose for it.


  6. Good job bluebell08. I think you are very good at dance and I think you should definitely dance for your rest of your life. What is your second favorite dance? How long have been dancing for? My hobby is soccer.

    My favorite part about soccer is that it is a team sport and you get to run around a lot. My goal
    in soccer is to, play in the olympics for the Canadiens womens soccer team. I been playing
    soccer for around 6 years. Really good job bluebell08


  7. good topic ther. I think that hobby is a good topic. my hobby is soccer. l really think soccer is a good hobby because you would get good spot and a lot of action. in soccer you would also run a lot.

    my favourite thing about soccer is that l get a lot of exercise and l can run a lot. my goal for soccer is that l win most of the gams. guess what l even play when it is winter. l really like soccer and l am really happy that l can play soccer.

    from JDOG11

  8. Dear bluebell08, it k
    My hobby is definitely Hockey. Hockey is my hobby for lots of reasons, first because it keeps me active, it is a lot of fun, you can play with a lot of people.

    My favorite part is that it is a fast game and even if you are down 3-0 you can still come back and win. Some people don't like it when sports move fast but I find that it is great. One reason is that it makes make quick decisions and think fast. Come backs are also great because who wants to have a come back win? My goal is to get into the NHL and win the Stanley Cup. I also want to make it to the olympics and win the gold medal playing for Canada. Go Oilers Go! Not Flames

  9. My hobby is watching people play minecraft like Stampylongnose,Iballisticsquid,DanTDM.My favorite part about these people is that they make me laugh that is what I like about it.I don't really have a goal with watching these people.


  10. Nice post and picture,
    You dance A LOT!!! Why did you quit soccer AND gymnastics? I mean it's bad enough to quit 1 sport but 2!? Why was it hard to quit gymnastics but not soccer? And what's a side aerial and a rollover pretzel?

    My hobby is playing video games. My favourite part about it is relaxing. I have no goal for playing video games.


  11. Dear bluebell08,
    Great post! I liked how you explained it and told us what you think!

    I have many hobbies and here are some of them: coin collecting, also dance, piano, and learning and wanting to learn other languages. So as you can see I have a few more than you but I think it makes a good goal.
    My favourite parts about coin collecting is the fact of how much you can learn from it, how long it is been around. Another thing is if you read something from that time line and you think about that person could have seen it or touch it. I think that it relates more too it. My next hobby is dance- as you think it is absolutely a beautiful art and I definitely relate too it as well, I have always liked it. My hobbies go on and on, so I will leave it here.

    My goals are normal to do well and to succeed. That is all I really what with these hobbies just things I have always wanted to do!

  12. My hobbies are Dance and watching gaming videos (no violence involved).My favorite Dance is Musical Theater. My favorite youtubers are stampylonghead and Iballisticsquid(mainly because they don't swear).I like them because they are HILARIOUS and they're puns are lame but funny.
    I like Dance because it is fun and it gives me exercise! I like videos because even tho I don't have an Xbox 360 it feels like I am playing but i'm not. My goal is to get a award (scholarship) every year.


  13. My favorite hobby is to do art and craft things. My favorite part is painting with my dad making a better panting then him. My Goal is to be the best painter in my class and try to be the Queen of art also art is my life if my mom and dad say stop panting I will die.
    -Raven Queen

  14. Great Job! BlueBell08
    I love gymnastics it makes me comfortable and it is a big thing in my life and I love so and I want you to that you are amazing at dance and you will be able to do a side aerial and a rollover pretzel.My favorite hobby or my hobby is gymnastics and it makes me calm and I am working on a back walkover my favorite thing about gymnastics is that like I said it is a very big part in my life. It all started when I was about 2 or 3 years old my mother and father started to be a little rough in there lives so they wanted me to do something or to have something in my life so my mom wanted gymnastics and my dad wanted something like piano or violin so they thought and my dad agreed with gymnastics and thats how I got in to gymnastics.In gymnastics my goal is to do a back walkover because it is the only way I can get to next grade or level! I love gymnastics and I would never quit gymnastics it would be very hard.Gymnastics inspires me it is very interesting & very inspiring!

    -gymnast 13

  15. Good topic bluebell08. My hobby is playing piano. It's fun especially when I'm playing classical music or just music by famous composers. I really like to play the Primo part of Deabele. Someday I would like to play the secondo part of Deabele.
    I don’t know about you but I also like to build mini worlds of lego, playmobil, and other items. I have a lego village on the living room shelf. It has a bank, a statue, a restaurant and corner store, a barn, a house, a church, a hotel, and a library. It’s fun to biuld little worlds.


  16. Great job!
    My favorite hobby is playing Lego. Best things I can build are spy cars. My spy cars can do lots of things. They can fly, swim, swim underwater. They can have some laser guns, radars, supercomputers, or even be invisible. ( just build it from transperent brics.)
    I built lots of spy cars. Here are some of them: truck with a lab inside, flying cycle, swimming cycle, flying car, car with five engines and three laser guns, and lots more.
    -spycatspydog 1

  17. My hobby is playing games, play spot and watching video on my Ipod because I like it.

    Mostly I like to play games on my Ipod. Sometime if I'm bored I watched video with my sister but I only play Soccer with my friends,sometime if they were there I play games and watch video with my sister.



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