FHS 16

FHS 16

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Stress is something that many people get, when something odd happens and it affects things in your body. Some of the feelings that you feel can cause stress in many ways.
You can get stress from your job your friends can even make you feel some stress and can even help you face the stress. Stress causes anger,crying,depression,hungry,thirsty and many more serious feelings that you may feel. Stress can even make you not hungry or not thirsty.Stress is a powerful thing it can make and do many things to you and your body.
Sometimes Stress can really really hurt someone.

You can help yourself handle Stress in many ways like eating,drinking,being active and much more.you can do so much to help you and your friends to take care of Stress.When I was about 1 ½ my mom and dad had been divorced and it was a hard time for me and since then I have felt a lot of stress and I know how to take care and to handle it, for it is easy for me to handle it but for some people it is very hard and I am not putting out any names but some people in the class are feeling some stress and I believe that we can help them handle stress.
  1. Do you feel or deal with stress and how do you take care of it ?
  2. How can you help people deal with stress ?
  3. Do you have things you do to take care of stress and explain it ?


  1. This is a great topic. I think stress is a problem that everybody needs to learn to manage. The key to having good skills to manage stress is to be aware of the things that cause you stress as well as picking good habits to deal with it.

    There are healthy as well as unhealthy ways to deal with stress. When I was younger I did not know good healthy ways to deal with stress; I would choose to eat when I was stressed. This usually involved eating lots of junk food that made everything worse. I also had the unhealthy habit of watching TV as a stress reliever.

    Now as an adult I have learned much better habits to deal with stress. I have enjoyed making sure to go for a run to get some stress relief. Running clears my mind and calms me. Also, I really enjoy listening to music which also helps me relax and keep focused.

    Do you kids know other strategies?

  2. Nice post Gymnast13
    You're right, we all deal with stress at least once but we should learn to deal with it well. If we don't it could cause serious problems when we are older. For example, it might be harder to find a job, find friends and all sorts of other things.

    I deal with stress by doing sports or working out. One other thing I do is read. Reading helps me take my mind off that topic. Then later I think about it again and find a way to deal with it. Some kinds of stress I deal with are things to do with school, things to do with sports and some other things.

    1. I think your right about your first paragraph.


  3. I think this is an great topic. Everyone deal with stress in there own way and I think we should just talk it out to someone that you trust. Honestly to help people with stress give them advice and support them. To take care of stress relax try , try again, try again tomorrow. If you stay calm stress won't build up on your shoulders.

    A way to know if you're building up stress is to feel your shoulders if there high that means you are building up stress. Another thing that you can do is get your mind off of it and then come back to it later. A saying is don't worry be happy.

  4. When I have stress it helps me to get my own space or burry face in something soft.(ex.jacket,arms, or just flat on my desk!) I also fiddle or "play" with something and for some reason it makes me feel better. When I have sibling stress(when your sibling bothers you) I just let it grow into my parents problem.

    To help other people with stress I just give them their own space and leave them alone.If they want me to help them or to stay with them I'll do what they say.Yes of course I have stress EVERYONE has stress and if you don't then I think you've been living under a rock your whole life!

    p.s nobody lives under a rock

    1. P.s thank you for that info

  5. Dear Gymnast13
    I get stress if I don`t get enough sleep. When I can not sleep in the morning I will be mad and angry and I don`t like to be angry, so I attempt to go to bed early. I think if people have stress they could do some activity that will get their mind off their stress and maybe they won`t be angry and do bad things to other people who did do nothing.

    I think people should learn from their parents how to control stress but sometimes you can not control stress but I am not saying that you have to control your stress because it is sometimes hard to control it.

  6. Dear Gymnast13

    I liked your blog post it is very important to talk about stress. Do you feel or deal and how do you take care of it? I know how you feel my parents are divorced too it is really hard to go through but if you talk to people you can recover from the divorce like it never was as bad as you think. It is so much stress on kids though.

    Do you have things you do to take care of stress and explain it?

    How I deal with stress is with my cat because she is sweet and cuddle,soft and lovable. I cuddle with her and kiss her and hug her and never let her go. I also hug mom or dad when I'm at one of there houses. My favorite is cuddly with my cat.


  7. This post is cool. I have stress.I think stress is good to learn about. I have stress because I don't have a dad or a grandpa.Do you have missing family members.I learned about stress when I was four years old.When did you learn about stress.I get rid of stress by running and eating really really healthy I make other people forget about stress by telling them to run two laps around the area and I tell them to have a big nap.I also read a big book to keep my mind of it. how do keep your mind off stress. When my mom gets stress I tell her to lay down and have a nap.

  8. Stress is a hard topic. If I have stress I like to do elliptical walking on my elliptical machine,it's usually the first thing I do. The second or first thing when I'm not at home is to think of something else. Those are the main two things I do. As I said, stress is a hard thing to handle with. It is a problem for some but not for others. Most people don't like stress others can't handle it and others don't get it as much as others.

    If other people have stress I find the easiest thing to do to help them handle it is to make them laugh or just smile. If people get dangerous it’s best to back off and give them some space. I know these are two common known strategies, but I’d like to share them anyway.


  9. I am not that fond with stress but I know what it is like to feel stress "cough sister & brother cough" The two of them drive me insane till I am about to rip out my hair from stress from them not letting me do anything without my sister and my brother despises me and never does anything with me.

    Stop making the other people stressful and/or leave them alone for a bit. Then come back in 30 minutes see how they feel after and if that doesn't work tell them to punch a tree, eat something and that might them feel much better. It works on my sister it'll work on anyone.


  10. Nice, Gymnast 13
    I think this topic is good because everyone has it at some point. There are many ways of experiencing stress, there are big things like when your parents get divorced and little thing like losing a board game. I have run into many situations including stress and I can get worked up pretty fast. I have a sibling and he/she is very annoying and he/she makes a lot of stress for me.

    To answer your questions, Gymnast 13, I usually sleep or eat something. When someone is under stress you should probably back away and let them cool down, after they cool down you could try suggesting one of your ways of dealing with stress. When I sleep it usually clears my mind out so when I wake-up I can think properly. And when I eat, it helps me think properly when I have a full stomach.

    -your heavy sleeper, Awesomeness

  11. Dear Gymnast13,
    All of us deal with stress some point in life, if you don't you are not a really a real person. I deal with stress when I have not finished something. I deal with in not the best way but I usually get it done by the time it is due. Other times I talk about conflict in school with parents.
    We can help people deal with stress by telling them to take deep breaths and possibly stepping away. Saying it is ok or that we can fix it helps people recover. When my sister comes home from school she usually needs to watch computer for a while.
    I talk to my mom especially when I need it or I usually need some time alone. For me taking deep breaths helps me concentrate and refreshes my mind no matter what I am doing. Getting my work done also makes me feel good.

  12. I agree. Sometimes stress can be very... Stressful I would say. I deal with stress by sometimes just laying down or maybe sometimes playing video games if I'm allowed. Sometimes I tell my parents or my brother that I'm stressed if it is really bad. I usually get really stressed out when I'm doing homework or something really hard. I wonder how bad it would feel if my parents got divorced. It was probably really hard for your parents to get divorced, Gymnast13. Sometimes I also take a break of what I'm doing and have a snack or have a drink of water.

    Sometimes my Mom helps my brother do homework or study. Because if my Mom didn't, I bet my brother would do quite bad at his tests and he would get in trouble. If he did that bad on most of his tests, he would be very stressed out. I would probably give him a shoulder rub but he would actually probably decline and boot me out of his room. Sometimes brothers can be mean, and sometimes they can be really fun to play with.

    Stress is quite bad thing to experience even though I almost have stress every day.


  13. Yes you do and you should take care of you by eating vegetable and having rest and don't go to close to people how are sick. with telling them not to close to people how are sick with stress and how don't eat vegetable and fruits.

    No, I don't have things that I don't take care of and when I feel stressed I go for a run and If I had some thing that I don't take care of it wood be my toys so I take care of everything I have.

    -Raven Queen

  14. I feel very stressed many of time. I take care of it by eating or watching TV,go to sleep and playing video games. I tell them to relax,want to play with me and want to play soccer. I feel stressed mostly at home,but I don't that stressed at home. Great job Gymnast 13. I don't know I have things to take care of stress or I forgot it. Running makes me stress a lot.

    I get very stressed at night and not that stressed in the morning. I get stressed in the winter when I'm shovelling and my neighbour comes over to play with me to make not stressed any more. I eat candy to make me not stressed some times.


  15. Good job Gymnast13.It's good that you talked stress.Your right if someone is stress and they don't know how to control it, they can hurt someone or worse they can hurt a love one. How did
    you overcome your stress? What made you write about stress?

    Yes I deal with stress and if I'm stress I usually do a sport or take deep breaths. If one of my friends are stress I leave them alone to cool down or talk to them.I get stress when people are
    mean to me and especially if my brother is mean to me or if someone makes me sad.Like I said before good job Gynast13.

    bugs bunny

  16. Well I feel hot and I feel very angry when I am stress.How I deal with my stress is that I watch T.V or I take a deep breath and calm down.To help people to clam down I say take a deep breath or walk away from the person.When your calmed down you can go and talk to the person that you were fighting with.I do not really no a strategy to calm my stress I just do whatever comes in my mind.

    This is a great blog post Gymnast 13 I really liked what you thought about.


  17. dear gymnast13

    I agree stress can really hurt sometimes. I have lots of stressful days. Mostly my stressful days are when I am at school. I feel stress a lot and I deal with it in this way. I deal with my stress by taking a deep breath.

  18. I like your topic.
    To me stress happens a lot of the time in my life. When I get stressed I feel like taking a pillow and crying my head in there. Sometimes that's what I do. Usually because I don't think of anything and somehow I just randomly do that. If I don't do that I sit on my poofy couch in my bonus room and take about 20 huge big breaths. When I take my deep breaths I make a really loud noise , my sister gives me this weird look. And since I'm her sister that means either really or what are you doing, or what in the world. Pretty much everyday my sister gives me that look. When she gives me that look I get even more stressed. I wish my sister didn't do that
    but I can't change her. Another feeling of mine is scared that I might not get through my stress.
    I also take care of it by dancing lyrical because lyrical is about dancing while showing your emotion.

    Sometimes when people are dealing with stress I ask them if I can help them . If they won't talk to me I either give them a hug because that's what I think they would really appreciate that. If they still feel stressed I try to make them laugh by telling a joke or I make a funny face. Another way is that I would leave them alone for a few minutes and then come back and ask them if they're feeling better.

    When I'm under stress I go downstairs and grab a few materials like glue, coloured paper, and maybe stamps and sharpies and do some crafts. I also put on the wii and either put on freeze dance or mario games. That's some of the things I do when I'm under stress.


  19. Great idea, I think people need to realize that everyone has stress every now and then. When I have stress I usually sit on my bed and think about what makes me happy and what would happen if it was real.

    I think it was really cool and you were brave to say about your parents sorry if I offended you but I think I'm under stress when mop top is around. I deal with stress whenever I try building something with Redstone or a program for my ev3 or the survival games.

  20. Great blog post gymnast13. I really get stress if I don't get enough sleep then I get really mad at morning.

    Well this is how I deal with stress cute,really soft and lovely but mostly it work but sometime I get angry so I can't stop my self.


  21. I had the same feeling when my parents divorced so it was almost a year ago when they did and I have been stressed out a lot and so lately my parents have been seeing other people. Then my mom got married in August and its hard having two dads.It has been hard switching between two houses. How I deal with my stress is I go to my room chug my water and read maybe fall asleep. I do not know how to help other people. No I do not have anything that helps me .


  22. Stress is a very interesting topic because it makes lots of things with our body. sometimes it makes us stronger.Like most of feelings it is hard to describe, but for me stress is like anger and sad in one time.
    The best way to get the stress away is to sleep, but you can also play a game, relax,or... It is the worst and unhealthy way to do it, so I . you not to use it,but if you want to, do it alone. you can make your stress stronger.recomend stronger.AND STRONGER, and then it is so strong (that is why I recomend you not to use it),but so tiered that go away immidiately.
    -spycatspydog 1


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