FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, November 21, 2014


I think sports are very important to your life. Sports help keep you healthy, they are fun to play and keep you fit.

My favorite sport is hockey. I like to play hockey because it is fun, fast moving and you can play with lots of people. Hockey I can play almost any time. I also can play it competitively, in a league. I play for North Seara and I am in the age level Atom. Atom is for ages 9-10.

It is also good to have someone who teaches you and someone you can look to for help in that sport. It can be a coach or a family member. My Dad helps me with hockey. He is the assistant coach for my team this year. He also gives me tips for hockey  and helps me get better at it. Lots of times I also play with my brother, even though he is way better than me, he helps me get better to.

Sports may sometimes be hard, but they can also be very fun.

What is your favourite sport?
Why do you like it?
Who helps you get better at it?



  1. Hey mr. patty no I don't play a sport but I do kind of like floor hockey but I prefer to lay down on the couch with chips. I think it is fun get do something active but this is going YOU help me get better at it and so dose anyone else who plays hockey.

    I think you should have wrote more but this is good I wish you could have done a different question. I also like soccer and basketball but those are if I can't do anything else.

    -count sudoku

    1. Why do you like them?
      Who helps you with them? Your Dad, coach?


  2. Dear Mr.Patty
    I liked your paragraph about sports. My favourite sports are skiing, swimming, tennis. I like it because I am very competitive in them. I do skiing in the winter when there is snow on the ground, and I do downhill skiing with races. I get lots of bronze metals, silver, and only one gold. It is very fun and if your not careful in the course you can slip and really hurt your self.

    Another one is swimming, I like swimming because it is fun and I am also very competitive. I am going on to level 10 the last level. I will be sad when I finish the level, but then I might do diving lessons or lifeguard lessons. Last one is tennis. I just started doing tennis lessons in the summer with my brother. We were the only one that could bet the kids it was so fun.

    1. Dear tweetybird
      I like skiing to but I don't do it competitively


  3. #goFlamesgo. -bowwow12

  4. Good job Mr.Patty.I definitely agree with you about sports are very important in your life because they keep you healthy.I love sports so much and I do lots of sports like gymnastics and my
    favorite sport is soccer.I play for a club Scottish United.Right now I'm indoor for the first time.

    How many years have you din play playing for?

  5. Sports are very good for you and your body. Sports is one of my favourite things to do. Some people don't do sports and are very unhealthy. My favourite sport is Dodgeball by FAR. I love whipping the ball at peoples faces although it isn't fun if they get hurt. I can throw the ball very fast and sometimes I hurt people. I don't hurt them on purpose though. obviously. I like dodgeball because it is very intense and fast paced. At our school we have a dodgeball tournament for the div 2 students. Last year we won so we got to play the teachers! I remember that one time I hit the teacher in the face that I have right now. It was really funny. We had the best dodgeball player in the school last year so it was a reasonable chance that we would win. I remember that the teachers won one more game than we did! We were so close to winning. I don't remember what I felt but I probably felt a bit disappointed.

    Nobody really helps me get better at Dodgeball. Sometimes when I play Dodgeball, I try different strategies, and sometimes I just play normally. If I have two balls, I throw one in the air and it distracts the person and then I whip my other ball at them. One time I did that, and I accidently hit them straight in the face and there lip started to bleed.

    He was fine after that though. That was good.


  6. My favourite sport would have to be gymnastics.
    It's actually dance but dance is a art. So my favourite is gymnastics. I really like it because I love to do tricks. Some of the tricks I do are the pretzel , scorpion, leg grab, cartwheels, splits and even more stuff. I also like it because I liked all the equipment there. But my favourite one was the bars. I started doing gymnastics when I was 2. I really liked it because I always went with my friend. But later on she quit but I still did it.

    Usually nobody helps me out with it. Or I put on a dance moms show and just try to do some of the tricks they do. But.....I can't. mostly because all of those kids are like rubber bands. Most of the time I usually teach my self.


  7. My favorite sport is baseball.Baseball is fun because...

    1.My dad usually coaches
    2.You can SLIDE
    3.You sit in dugouts (buildings dug in the ground)
    4.You can eat spits
    5. IT IS FUN

    My dad helps me with baseball.My mom pitches to me to practice.My favorite position is 2end base.I like second base because you get to tag them.I'm in the minor league.

    p.s last year my team won the cup

  8. My favourite sport is badminton. I like badminton because you get to jump around. My dad help
    me play.

  9. By far my favourite sports are Soccer and Football (Canadian not English). I love them because they are tough and my brother hates them. At school people criticize me saying that I am bad at goalie and that pushes me to try harder and half the people aren't too good either they also criticize my shots and now I am really good at shooting and taking the ball from people.


  10. My favourite sport is dodge ball because I'm really good at it and I'm a good dodger, I'm a good thrower too. No one makes me better at dodge ball. In dodge ball I just see people doing all these kind of things and I don't really copy them I just think how I'm going to dodge,to throw.

    Great post Mr.Patty are you a good dodge ball player


  11. My favourite sport is soccer because you can play with as many people as you want.It takes lots of skill my brother helps me so I can get better.The other sport I like is football because I to play catch.My dad helps me get better we play it outside in the backyard.


  12. nice post Mr Patty I think sports are good I like hockey and soccer.Do you play soccer.I think sports are healthy for your body.I tried to play hockey and failed but I kept trying.

    Do you play other sports other than hockey? If you do tell me.I play hockey; soccer; football;tennis and badminton.

    from snowball29.

  13. Dear Mr.Patty
    I do have a favourite sport. It is swimming and soccer. I like swimming because it includes going in water. I enjoy soccer because there is no fighting and you get to kick a ball. The person that helps me is when I go to swimming lessons.When I play soccer with my mom and she makes it challenging.

    ~twilight :)

  14. Dear Mr.Patty,
    I do not really do many sports but when it comes down to it I like to run. I run with some clubs we have at school. I also like most of the sports we do in gym. When we do activities not at school, there's barely time for other activities. What I do in my spare time is almost always different forms of Art. Dance, music and my sister does art.

    I do like to run, dance and do music. I have teachers to help me and I try to understand what I am doing.

    Thanks for the great blog!


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