FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, November 14, 2014


Respect is really important for everyone. You should respect everyone and especially your dad & mom.  
You should not only respect them, you should respect everyone in this world who is older than you. If you respect someone in your life, life would be a lot nicer and you will be so much happier.  If you respect everyone the kids will learn something from you and then they will respect you so please respect everyone.  You parents will be so happy with you and be proud of you. And if you see someone older than you  and you see them trying to cross a road then help them out of respect. I really respect my granparents and parents because they really care for me and by showing love and kindness.  

  • Do you respect your parents and grandparents ? why?
  • Have you ever helped someone ? 
  • What did you help them with? Raven queen


  1. Dear Raven Queen
    I help my parents and grandparents because they respect my brother and I. How they respect us is that they take care of us when we are sick, or if my parents have to work then my parents call my Oma and Opa, and say if they can take care of us because we need to work. I respect them and I don`t say that I don`t love them anymore. I sometimes do what I am told but sometimes if I am to busy then I act as if I didn't hear them witch isn't nice.

    In my live I help a lot of friends , family, relatives if they get hurt or if are mad. I think that it is a nice thing to help people if they get hurt or otherwise. The one thing I don't do is I see a person that got hurt and I just walk right pass him/her and act like I didn't see them.That would just not be nice. I help different people that I ether don't know or if I do know with there problems and I don't say your ok and then walk away.

  2. I agree raven queen I respect my parents and my grandparents because they show you care so how about you show them some care and make a difference in you and your family.

    Once I was in WEST EDMONTON MALL and one person was eating a hot dog and started choking on dry bread and everybody was gathered around him and I did not know what was going one and I say him choking and I ran up to him and did cpr on him with my but!

    I helped him because I couldn't watch him choke so I stepped in and saved him and that is how you show respect and that you care for the people around you!


  3. I respect my grandparents and my parents because they love me and I love them back. My parents have big respect to me they do every thing tho help me at home and even my school work. My grandparents love me really big to even my grandpa picks me up to go to school ever day. He even picks me up to bring me home after school to.

    When I get home ever day my stepsister makes me food so I have some thing to eat. My step mom gets home and I help my stepsister make some diner for all of us but my dad has diner with out us because he gets home about 8 30 pm. So he eats the left overs.


  4. Dear Raven Queen,
    I think respect is a very nice topic because people need to know it, to live there every day lives. I have to say I surely respect my parents and grandparents. I respect them because they respect and care for me. So I should respect them... right. I have helped a lot of people with a lot of things. For example Homework, School work, Riding bikes.... Good luck on future blogs. your friend,
    Dragonfly 101

  5. Of course its nice to do and if they're having a bad day you should be at full attention and do what they say to try and cheer them up by doing stuff like the dishes.

    I have helped my sisters with stuff that they do not need help with like cleaning their room when their playing video games.

    -Count Sudoku

  6. Respect is a giant part of everybody's life. And you should respect everyone as you would your best friend or yourself! I respect my grandparents and parents. My Parents are the ones who are always with me, even if it doesn't seem like it. My Grandparents know lots of things that I have no clue how it works, so of course I respect them.

    I help my mom, my dad, my brother and my friends. I have helped them with homework, chores, helped understand things and a lot of other things. Respect is one of the most important things in the world, I think.


  7. Respect is such a great thing to have. I respect my grandparents a lot. I respect them because I love them and they cook really delicious food for me. I also like to respect my grandparents because they're really nice to me and they really care for almost everybody except for criminals. My grandparents are especially nice, especially to the environment. They usually take a walk every morning and if they want to go somewhere close, they will just walk. They are also very fit.

    I have helped lots of people, many times. I usually help my Mom, my Dad and my brother every day. I mostly help my Mom though. usually unload the dishes from the dishwasher or I help her clean the dishes by hand. I help my dad sometimes on his laptop, because it's the newest Windows update. It's Windows 8. They added lot's of new stuff like a new Windows menu, the Windows Store and Netflix pre-downloaded. Sometimes he can't figure stuff out. My brother and I are quite good with computers. We're not professionals though, obviously. My brother could probably access the coding of a video game if he really wanted to. It would probably take him a LONG time though. Some of his friends can. I can also do some things with downloading stuff and messing around with the files. My brother can also read very complicated computer stuff and know what it means. To me, it looks like complete gibberish.

    I help my brother with finding something in is room or looking for a specified thing inside an object inside his room. My brother also helps me more than I help him. Sometimes I ask him where stuff is and it's actually right in front of my face or it's in my hand. I also do the same with my Mom. I understand that doing that isn't so respectful.

    It is really nice to have respect.

    1. This comment was made by Waspy14.

    2. your comment is so big

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    3. []____[]


      I like it.
      - Count sudoku

    4. bunny

      ^ ^
      {} {}


  8. Well of course I respect my parents because if I didn't respect them they wouldn't respect me. We help people when we have fundraisers. For example the food bank.Well we don't know what kind of sickness we help people with!

    p.s I had two paragraphs but they got deleted :/

  9. Yes, because my parents and grandparents are part of our family to be respected. I always respected my grandma,dad and mom mostly everyday at a certain time of the day. I helped people many times when I'm not busy or if its very important. My brother really doesn't respect my grandma,he always make faces,say bad words and lie to us.

    I helped them with groceries,school supplies falling,forts,homework. I will always respect my family. I like respecting people all the time.


  10. "You parents will be so happy with you and be proud of you." Don't you mean "Your parents will be so happy with you and be proud of you." instead?

    I really respect the topic because there are a few people that probably don't respect others.
    Lately my brother and sister have been respecting me better and I have been respecting them better then I have in the past. I have been working on being a nicer more respectful self.


    1. I don't think it is wrong because I just checked it,it looks right, maybe I am wrong.

  11. Did you mean "Your parents will be so happy with you and be proud of you."

    I respect my mom & dad. Will I don't live with my grandpa & grandma they live somewhere else.I use to live with my grandpa & grandma but we went to Canada.Sometime we talk with our grandpa & grandpa on the phone.

    I really respect my grandpa & grandma.


  12. Good post Raven queen,
    Respect is a good subject because you should respect your elders. Not just your relatives, but your teachers and everyone else around you, even strangers! You shouldn't talk to strangers but still respect them by, giving them their space, don't stare at them and mind your own business.

    I respect my grandparents because they're my grandparents and they're awesome!!! I have helped a lot of people.I have helped my brother with his homework. Have you helped someone? If yes, what did you help them with and why?

    Good post Raven queen,
    Respect is a good subject because you should respect your elders. Not just your relatives, but your teachers and everyone else around you, even strangers! You shouldn't talk to strangers but still respect them by, giving them their space, don't stare at them and mind your own business.

    I respect my grandparents because they're my grandparents and they're awesome!!! I have helped a lot of people.I have helped my brother with his homework. Have you helped someone? If yes, what did you help them with and why?


  13. Dear Raven Queen,
    I think you are totally right about respect and it is a manner we can all learn from and be better at it.
    Yes I do respect my grandparents and most of the time my parents. I respect my parents and grandparents because like you said they provide warmth, shelter, food and compassionate love with care. Not only that but they do work and provide us with all the things we as children.
    I have helped older seniors in my Mom's office with the door to the hallway that leads to the rooms.I have also donated some of my Halloween candy to her office. I believe that is respect.Is it?

  14. I like your post Raven queen I respect people in my community and they respect me to.Do people in your community respect you.I help people in my community cross the street and they respect me. I respect my elders and my big sister.

    I think that respect is important to everybody in the world even your parents should respect other people

    1. This comment was posted by snowball29

  15. Good post Raven queen,
    Respect is a good subject because you should respect your elders. Not just your relatives, but your teachers and everyone else around you, even strangers! You shouldn't talk to strangers but still respect them by, giving them their space, don't stare at them and mind your own business.

    I respect my grandparents because they're my grandparents and they're awesome!!! I have helped a lot of people.I have helped my brother with his homework. Have you helped someone? If yes, what did you help them with and why?


  16. Dear Raven Queen,
    I forgot to write a second paragraph, so here it goes. I find lots of people don't care about respect anymore. The only thing I object of on your blog is that your not only respectful to the people older than you. You also talked about the same topic over again. But all in all I like the idea of respect a lot.
    Dragonfly 101

  17. I respect my Oma, Omi, and Opa. My Oma is 91 years old, one can trust that she has lots of experience she got over the years. She has many funny stories of life in Alberta, Saskatchewan, B.C, and Manitoba. Her husband (my past away Opa) was a pastor in these places. I respect my Opa because he was someone from east-Prussia so he had to flee he lived in the little village of Birkfelde. later in Canada he dug basements delivered water and farmed. my Omi is well just someone I respect I don't know why.

    I also respect my Mama and Papa. They wake me up in the morning, make my lunch, make sure I get on the bus on time, and give me snacks after school.


  18. Dear Raven queen,


    I think that almost everyone has helped someone whether or not it's your friend. I always help my grandma with baking for ex. bread, cookies, cake, pie ...and on and on and on. On Christmas I always help grandma get people up. On Thanksgiving I always help make bread.


    I respect my grandma she great woman. She is almost always calm and helps me to get things right. My grandma is fun to be with I love so much. I will always respect her matter what happens.


  19. Of course I do.
    I respect my parents and grandparents, and I do it because they are my parents. that is the only thing you need to respect them.It does not mean that if you stop respect them, but it also does not mean that you should not respect them.

    For example when I and my mother are going anywhere I open a door. not because she will buy something. just because she is my mother.

    -spycatspydog 1

  20. I think respect is something every one should have. I respect my parents and grandparents. I love showing my parents respect. Because ever since I was a little chubby blond headed baby , they've seen me grow into a loving and respectful baby. I show my mom respect , because I always feel like she shows respect for me and I show respect for her. Without are respect for each other it would be like leave me alone, you don't even do anything for me. But luckily that's not how it is.I respect her because she is probably the biggest respect in our family. My mom does most of the cooking, some of the food she cooks is macaroni, rice and her on recipe raps. In her raps are mushroom soup,melted cheddar cheese, and chicken. She is also the one to pay for my dancing. And oh boy is my dancing alot of money. But she knows that I love dancing so she does it. She also cleans the bonus room we have in our house. I respect my dad because since he's the tough guy he mows the lawn. After that the lawn is spectacular. He also does vacuums in the house. The sound is really annoying I pout and grumble. But I'm very glad I have someone to vacuum the house. He also barbecues steaks, ribs ,and stuff like that.

    I have helped my mom and dad sometimes helping out with the groceries.Most of them are heavy so my sister has to take them.I also help my mom with cooking. I like cooking with my mom, because I like seeing how you cook things. My favourite thing to cook is pizza. Because you can put anything on it, such as pepperoni,spinach or olives. I help my dad with cleaning up the yard.I like doing it. But my sister hates doing it.


  21. Yes respect is a good thing to have in mind. Yes I do respect my parents a lot because l think they need it and they do all the cooking for me my mom does do a lot of cleaning in the house and l give her respect by getting her some things she need. My dad is mostly in the garage fixing lots of things and l mostly give him respect by helping him fix it so we have more time for each other.

    Yes I have treated lots of people with respect.

    from jdog11


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