FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, October 31, 2014

What Did You Do Over The Weekend?

Funny Signs HD Wallpaper

What I did over the weekend was REALLY fun.  I went to my dad’s farm that my Baba owns, and I did lot’s of stuff there.  Since my dad is going to be there every weekend now, I thought that I might as well go with him too.  I’ve got nothing else better to do, so like I said I might as well.  So, let’s get into what I did this weekend:

Like I said, I went to my dad’s farm and did lots of stuff there.  When we arrived, we spray painted a fort that we made the weekend before that. (We were going to use the fort to hunt in because it would be more comfortable than just laying down and standing up on the wet grass).  We spray painted it camoflauge (we just used a lot of colors, not an actual bottle of spray paint colored camouflage) so it can blend in with all of the trees and the other stuff behind it.  So we spray painted that, the we had to get it to our hunting spot.  That took quite a while, like two hours or something like that, but it was still reasonably fun.  We got it there by using a skid steer ( which I will explain in a moment), my dad’s truck and a trailer.  A skid steer is a heavy duty machine that is similar to a forklift but bigger and better.  My dad was the one who was controlling the skid steer, and two other people were driving the truck.  My dad lifted the fort up with the two forks (the big things that you use to lift up the object, not the forks that you eat with) on the skid steer up onto the trailer and then we strapped the fort down on the trailer.  We strapped the fort down because we didn’t want it to fly off when we were trying to get it to our hunting spot.  So we did that, and then set it down onto the ground.

My dad had to drive the skid steer to the hunting area, so… I did something fun.  I drove the skid steer back to our farm.  Those things are so fun to drive, I want one of my own.  So I got into the heavy duty machine and it looked really cool inside.  There was two joystick things two move it, and there was also lots of buttons.  My dad sat down in it first and then I sat in his lap.  My dad told me how to drive it.  It’s actually quite simple.  The left joystick is to move, and the right joystick is to control the forks.  I didn’t use the forks for anything, but it was still fun to drive.  You move by pushing forward or backward on the joystick thing.  To move forwards, you push forwards.  To move backwards, you pull backwards.  You can also turn side to side (I don’t know which vehicle wouldn’t) by pulling left or right.  So, I drove back to the farm and then we went and practiced our aim with our guns.  (Me and my brother didn’t, but the adults were).  We have a long private shooting range which is actually quite handy.  We use it to practice our aim.  It’s just common sense, like why else wouldn’t we have a shooting range.  Anyway, to keep ourselves occupied, (me and my brother), we drove around some of the fields that we own.  We drove around the perimeter so we wouldn’t wreck the crops..  We did that for like an hour so by then it started to get dark.  We went back to camp and sat around the fire for like 30 minutes.  After those 30 minutes, we went scouting to see how big of does and deer we could find.  I was the youngest one there, so I found the most.  (I still have young eyes).  when we got back it was around 8:30 and we sat around the fire a bit more.  I was really tired when we got back, but I stayed up for like another hour.  After that hour I was REALLY tired after that one hour so I went straight to bed.

What did you do over the weekend and was it fun?

Have you ever driven something unique or has any of your family driven one?

Have you ever hunted before or has any of your family?

The long typer, Waspy14


  1. The sign on the picture is realy fun. is the main problem that animals can be sick ?
    What about weekend, I was at home, and built lots of Lego thinks: 3 spaceships, a big blak dragon and 3 robots.
    -spycatspydog 1

  2. well Waspy14 on the weekend I went to my neighbours daughters harry potter birthday party. I went as ginie(a girl who ha a crush on harry). There was so much CANDY like a whole table full of it. They also have a Schnauzer dog( it looks like it has a beard) his name is Oto.
    Then my brother,Rossana(my exchange student) and I got bored so we took some candy and left.when we got home we rented harry potter and the Phiosophers stone from iTunes on apple tv and watched it.That was the highlight of my weekend. Well now that I think about it my dads friend used to be a pilot. I think thats pretty cool. I never shot a gun or even hold one only Nerf Guns for me!


  3. What I did on the weekend was get ready for Halloween. I bought a big blow up pumpkin and two real pumpkins that we carved our selfs. Mine was Halloween Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas and my sister had just had a scary pumpkin.How much fun did have.


  4. On the weekend I played minecraft and got a new mod. No my family has driven anything unique ,and no no one in my family has gone hunting as far as I know but I've gone hunting in minecraft. I built lots of things out of papercraft. As far as I know that sounds pretty fun but did you do anything else.
    -Count Sudoku

  5. I love hunting it is something that our family love to do we go hunting every year and we eat the
    deer,moose,elk or even white tail deer. I love the way you wrote it waspy 14 but you should work on your grammar otherwise it was great! back to the hunting i love to hunt and get out into the bush and see wild animals. I cant tell you how much i thank you, you made me hungry i love hunting you made me proud and something came to mind that I am thankful for that thank you Mr. Waspy good work!!

    - Gymnast 13

  6. On the weekend I spent most of my time moving to my new house it was pretty boring. The only thing really exciting was when my dad and his friend came over and cut off one of our couches arm to get it out of our home. I also had a hockey practice that was OK but we really just worked on passing and it was at 7:30 in the morning. So all and all I didn't have a very good weekend. -bowwow12

  7. Great post Waspy14 it inspired me to criticize your post. (1 How big was it. (2 How many buttons were there approximately. (3 What were the forks for and finally why did you use Engrish.

    No one in my family has ever hunted nor killed an animal in real life. I have drove my dads truck with 2 quads and a trailer behind it and I nailed it. I slept on the weekend a lot on the weekend and this weekend I will go to the lauchpad with you and Cheesehead

  8. Good job on your post Waspy14. I have a couple of questions for you heres the first one do you like hunting ? Why is your dad going to be at your grandpa's farm every weekend now ? What did the fort look like?

    This weekend I had my first indoor soccer game. My team won 3-2. I scored 2 goals and my friend scored the other goal.After the soccer game my coach gave my team candy. Even my brother got candy and he did nothing Isn't that crazy.On Saturday I went to my old house because I'm moving it was pretty boring there.On Sunday I did the same.

    bugs bunny

  9. Dear Waspy14 ,
    I had a good weekend as always I went to Polish school on Saturday from 9-12 but after that we had to go straight home. After that hang out because my parents went to a banquet ( a fancy dinner). They were gone from 6- 11:30. So we had a friend who stayed with us. I feel bad for her because she put us to bed at 9:30 and waited 2 whole hours! The next day we went to Polish Church ( a little different from our normal routine ) and it was cold I was hungry and wishing it to be over.Luckily they were making an nice obiad (a big lunch) and I was not hungry any more! That was my exciting weekend.

  10. The sign on the picture is realy fun. is the main problem that animals can be sick ?
    answers:1.yes,my father liked hunting,but he stop hunting one year ago.
    2.my parents dived a car,and a motobike
    What about weekend, I was at home, and built lots of Lego thinks: 3 spaceships, a big blak dragon and 3 robots.

  11. Dear Waspy14
    I liked your blog post. This weekend I had family photos (blah). It was TERRIBLE. I HATED it. We went to a nice park to do it and there where geese (quack quack) that was pretty much the best part of my weekend.

    No I have not driven a car or anything like that but my sister has driven a jeep and she is only 13 years old I think thats special it was on my grandpas farm I thought that she really liked it.

    No one has gone hunting in my family.

  12. That's really good.
    On saturday I went dancing. Well it was really fun because we did jazz choreography and we also did acro. In jazz we're being polices. Our dance has really hard moves in it. So far the part I learned this weekend is the hardest part in our dance. Do you no know what monkey bars are? If yes well then do you know how some of the kids do like a front flip still holding on to the bar? Well that's what I kind of what I'm doing in my jazz dance. But instead there's two girls holding each others arms. Then I grab on to their arms and jump up and turn around them. In the middle of when I turn I do the splits. We might not do that because the girls almost slammed my face on the ground twice.I felt really nervous after that.


  13. Dear Waspy 14,
    Over the weekend I spent a lot of time with my auntie. We went to a movie together, on Sunday we went to see the movie Milleficent. On saturday I was very lazy I did nothing really. Ive never hunted before. Ive riden a horse if that counts and a cuad.
    your friend,
    Dragonfly 101

  14. Hey Waspy14, that was a lllloooonnnnggggggg post! Last weekend my brother had his birthday party and my mom and I did most of the work but it paid off in the end. I have driven a tractor and I think an excavator .Do you actually hunt or is it just your family because that is being cruel to the animals?


    1. awesomeness I agree that Waspy14 did a lllloooonnnnggggggg or just long post.


  15. It's the right week to ask me what I did Waspy14. I didn’t do something too exciting but on Thursday, my dad and my aunty left to Calgary to sell shoes (it's her business.) So my mother and I had to sleepover at my Oma's for Thurs.-Sat. (my uncle did the shift for Sat. to Sun.) I got to feed the cats. My favorite one is Waldstein, a cute grayish male tabby. The other two, Moonlight a white female tabby and Sonata a black female tabby, are Waldstein’s half sisters. School on Friday was normal. On Saturday, well it was a normal day too, but because my mother is the German Sunday school teacher, we planned out how we would learn about Joseph the dreamer at Sunday school. But on Sunday nobody came for Sunday school. We decided to leave it for another month.



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