FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, October 24, 2014

Do You Have Wisdom?

Wisdom is something you do not just get, you earn. But in order to earn wisdom, you need to have these things...

Determination, courage, love and bravery. Here are some tips, live, love, laugh, and if you never make a mistake or never embarrass your self you have not really lived at all. Wisdom can be taken away, if you make bad choices or if you stop caring, because sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone. I also know that life is a balancing act if you lean to far to a side you'll fall off and the other side will disappear. So be thankful for what you have because on a day in the near future it might all be gone forever and it will hurt you. Now that you know what wisdom is, how to deal with it and to be careful with it I think you know phase 1 but phase 2 comes from you, and what's on the inside.

Now let's talk about life in wisdom, life can not be ignored nor can wisdom, with both of them by you side you can do any thing you can set you mind to. I'm not saying can't now, but it's easier when you have those two with you at all times because if you loose it , it might not come back to you ever. Let's take some time to think of the women and men in you life weather if it's your mom or dad, brother or sister who has share wisdom in your life. For me it was my grand mother she was an amazing women but because of the past she had to battle cancer, lung cancer as I went to se her every day I saw her getting weaker and than on a march day we stopped coming and on st. patricks day my parents informed me she was dead March 2012. So now you know who mine is. Who's yours!
Now you know every thing there is to know about wisdom. I hope you enjoyed my presentation, Now you can create wisdom for your self good luck if you have any questions comment down below.

Congratulations I hope you have decided on wisdom as something for you to do or get done thanks a bunch.

your friend dragonfly 101


  1. I think its a great idea but I don't get it!

    -Count Sudoku

    1. dear count sudoku,
      I accept your gentle critisism. The point is to have learned a lesson.

      your friend,
      Dragonfly 101

    2. Hey, I'm serious are we supposed to wright about who we look up to? Like my mom because she teaches me things and lets me experience things.

      -your friend Count Sudoku

    3. count sudoku,
      If you think your mom is wise. Then say your mom.
      your friend,
      Dragonfly 101

    4. I'm so sorry about your grandmother I know how it feels

    5. Dear Count Sudoku
      how do you not get it


    6. Hearing your post made me think that I was there. I no how you fell because my mom past away when i was five year old and I felt like i wonted to die just to see her. even now I wish I could make a time machine and go back in time. I think I now what wisdom is now.


  2. Dear dragonfly 101
    I love your thing about wisdom. Do you no how your grand mother got lung cancer no need to offend you? I like how you described the wisdom in it. Thank you, you gave me an idea that I should probably be careful about my wisdom. THANK YOU !

    1. Dear tweetybird,
      Thank you for your comment. My grandmother died from lung cancer, as you already know. She smoked a lot in the 70's - 80's and that's how she got cancer.
      your friend, Dragonfly 101

  3. I don't get it since it didn't question me and ask me who was wise that I honor in my family and that if should monitor my wisdom.


    1. I didn't get it at first but wright about who you look up to.

      -Count Sudoku

    2. I agree too -bowwow12

    3. write


      -Count Sudoku

    5. Never


    6. To quote origami yoda : MUST

    7. Dear count sudoku,
      I'm happy that you get it now.
      your friend,

  4. Thanks dragonfly 101 you taught me to hold on to my wisdom before it's all gone just next time please include something better to write about. -bowwow12

    1. i think your very wise
      your friend, dragonfly101

  5. Dear dragonfly 101
    I`m so sorry about that . I`m sorry I brought that up.


    1. Dear tweetybird,
      It's alright I love your curiosity.
      your friend,
      Dragonfly 101

  6. Nice post dragonfly 101
    I think that your right . If you don't use your wisdom properly you could end up in bad places. For me it is my Dad who shares his wisdom with me. I look up to him and he helps learn new things. He gives me suggestion that help me do better in school and sports. Wisdom is a big part of everybody's lives, even if they don't realize it! You will need wisdom for the rest of your life;. You will need to get a job, to do good in school or in sports.


    1. Dear mr. patty,
      Your right, your dad seems like an awesome person.
      your friend,
      Dragonfly 101

  7. wisdom is a very intresting thing,and it is not the same as knowledge. when a person have knowledge he know how to go out from the bad situation, but when the person have wisdom he know how not to go to the bad situation.
    we get wisdom from our parents, grandparents,and other family members. sometimes it help us. it is very very hard to describe wisdom, so dragonfly 101 do a very good job.
    -spycatspydog 1

    1. Dear spycatspydog,
      your right, you have knowledge yourself.
      your friend,
      Dragonfly 101

  8. I love your blog post. I'm so sorry about your grandma. I look up to teachers because of there wisdom.


  9. Great blog dragonfly 101.

    My grandpa died at the age of 61. He had cancer but I forgot which kind it was. Are you going to right a longer post later or be the extra blogger of the week. Doesn't everybody already wisdom including a baby.


  10. I'm very sorry for your grandma


  11. I am only going to write down my family members that are quite wise and kind because I don't get some parts of this post. Sorry about the inconvenience, but my really wise and kind people in my family are my grandparents, my cousins and my brother. Sometimes my brother can be kind of mean but, I still think he's a nice person because he helps me in whatever I need help with, because he helps me study and also because he plays with me when he is available.

    Then I move onto my cousins. My cousins are born somehow in a very organized order, because one of my cousins is in the same grade as me and is also the same age, two other cousins are the same age and also in the same grade, and then finally my brother is the same age as one other cousin and there also both in the same grade. It's quite odd, but I think that our family is unique that way. And I also forgot to mention, that there are three boys (including me and my brother) and three girls. The other boy cousin is very playful (and sometimes annoying), but he plays with me and my brother. he loves video games like me and my bother and whenever he comes over, he is playing with us almost the whole time. And his sister just plays board games with my mom.

    Finally, there's my grandparents. They always support me and make me delicious food. I love my family, and I don't care if they make me delicious food or not. I will always be grateful for what I have.

    Having family that supports you is awesome.


  12. I loved that post dragonfly 101.I think my dad has lots of wisdom why,because he knows what to do when to do. Did you think you're Grandma had wisdom?
    Another person that I think had wisdom was my Opa. He would pick my brother and I up every Thursday after school but he had a lot of wisdom.How did you
    come up with this subject.

    from,bugs bunny

  13. well,dragonfly 101 you might think this is foolish, but my person of wisdom was my cat Orion.Why? because he was there for me when I was sad. He was hilarious and adorable. When you look at him you might think he's dumb but when you live with him for 9\12 years he becomes so smart because when we let him outside he would stop meowing because he would realize we put him outside because he was annoying. I remember once I had a red light and I shined it on my door and he started to jump on the light,it was so funny. But one day two weeks ago he wouldn't eat so he started to get skinnier and skinnier. One day my mom took him to the vet... he had cancer. He had a tumor in his stomach. One Thursday night he slept in his litter box. Last week Fr Friday at 4:36 pm it happened I came home and he was gone. My dad told me he was in really bad pain so they gave him the sleepy-shot.


    1. bunbunny do you mean :
      last week friday ,not last week fr friday?

  14. dragonfly 101 that's really beautiful. My wisdom would have to be my Oma.

    I choose her because when she was about maybe 2 or 3 and her loving mother died. I'm not really sure what she died from. But all I know is that if that would of happend to me I would have never stopped crying.

    Then when she turned 16 her dad also had to leave the world as well. After that happened she moved in with her older sister. Now she takes care of me and my sister and cousins like where her child. She doesn't act like that ever happened.It would be hard to imagine something bad ever happening to her.

    My other one happened not so long ago when my opa hurt his foot so badly he needed a cane so he could walk. He didn't even care that that happened , because he had faith he'd survive.


  15. No not your grandma :( I look up to so many people and I respect them all!!!!!


    -Gymnast 13

  16. That is very sad dragonfly 101, sadly i'll most likely have to face something like that too. Loosing a family member that you respect is hard, my Opa is the one I look up to for his wisdom. He's got kidny cancer and is getting slower but, he's still has his owne house and car. Another family member I have that has wisdom is my Omama, although she stays in her bed the hole day (she's 91 years old.)

  17. dear dragonfly 101

    I think wisdom was a good idea because some people really need wisdom.

    your friend jdog11

  18. Thanks what an awesome presentation! Great tips and now I will tell you the person that have shared wisdom in my life.
    My Dad, has shared a lot of wisdom with me about my ancestors and about life. My Dad has brought me to polish school for all the year since preschool and tot older classes. I have really enjoyed him sharing wisdom . Thanks dragonfly 101 for telling us what WISDOM is .

  19. I am so sad for you that happen to me too but it is a great poster. Dragonfly 101 and I like your poster.


  20. You did a very good blogpost your friend dragonfly 101.I love your wisdom and how old she was when she died?


  21. Cool, I know how that feels with your grandmother and everything.
    Why did you choose wisdom to write about and where did you get it from?
    A lot of people need wisdom and that is why this blogpost is important.

  22. I think wisdom is a good idea to help people be thankful for that they have. I love your post dear dragonfly 101.My wisdom is my grandfather he make me be thankful for that I have now I love that I have.
    -Reven Ounee

  23. Dear dragonfly 101, I thought that I would go farther in my explanation from last time so you could get a better view of what I am thinking .My dad has been through a lot of stress in school teaching and is sometimes even blaming it on us. But from what I know it is hard to do so there is where I get my knowlegde source from. He shows me how he does things, for example he told me how you say the three z's in polish.
    That is who is my Wisdom

  24. My person I think has wisdom is my uncle Chad he was the youngest out of four and when he had a type of serious cancer we saw him as much as we could but then on March 30th he died. He gave my whole family wisdom and it hurt us all when we found out that he had cancer. One day he was helping my dad move and it started when he had a horrible back pain so then after a week he went to the hospital and found out he had cancer. His wisdom helped me and my dads family.


  25. that was good speech dragonfly 101 now I can tell you who taught me wisdom.My uncle told me about himself and stuff I didn't know about him.thank you dragonfly 101 wisdom is a good thing to know because some people don't have wisdom.

    from your friend snowball 29


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