FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Your most embarrassing moment?

We all get embarrassed at least once in our lives. Sometimes when we are embarrassed, the others around us know why, the other times it may be just us. One of my most embarrassing moments happened when I was at University.

When I was in University, I prided myself in riding a bike to and from school. The bike was green and was given to me by a friend. My generous friend had found it lying in a ditch and decided to gift it to me.....ahem! The main problem was, the bike had really...really bad brakes. So I learned that in order to stop myself while riding I would need to plan my stop as the brakes took about 5 seconds to kick in.

The second week at University I was feeling proud and was 'that kid' too cool for school with my large headphones listening to Coolio. There was a gentle drizzle which turned into rain but again being cool...I had sunglasses on. As I approached the bike stand with about 8 bikes ...I realized by brakes were completely useless, going at about 30km per hour I knew I had about 5 seconds to make a decision on where I wanted to crash. The way I approached gave me two options..one was to ride into a large group of people getting into school, the other much more painful response was a solid iron bike rack. I decided the bike rack?

All that I imagine people going to class saw was a 'cool guy' riding his bike fast only to run in full speed into a bike rack, fall over the handle bars going  flying on the other side of the bike rack land on his bottom. Headphones where the sunglasses were and vice versa. I was so embarrassed, but I acted like nothing happened (aside from an upside down bike with tires spinning). This was definitely one of my most embarrassing moments, what would be one of your most embarrassing moments?


  1. Dear Zab
    I think that was great I got the picture in my head .What I did not understand why would you go crash in the bike rack and not the people?
    Did you get hurt and I hope that you are all right? Why did you not go and get your bike cheaked ?

    1. Well tweetybird, I am glad you asked. When I had five seconds to choose, I decided that either way I was going to get hurt but hitting the people would hurt them as well.

  2. Wow... I don't remember much about my most embarrassing moment. I can't really remember but i'll put down what I remember. It was a long time ago (Like I said). When I was little I used to play soccer and I think I used to do this every single game.

    Whenever my coach told me to go into a position, I had no idea what he was saying. I just thought he was speaking gibberish and also for a matter of fact I wasn't even listening. One time my coach told me to go in the defense position and the only position I knew was goalie. So, when he told me that, I thought i was going into goalie, so I got a whole bunch of handballs and my coach kept on getting mad at me. Back then though, I didn't even have embarrassment in my vocabulary, so all of the parents and the other kids were probably laughing at me so hard, I didn't even hear it. Because I didn't hear anything or anybody yelling out "BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Although, that probably would be pretty mean for anybody. I hate to be BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD at.

    It's just the worst thing to be embarrassed.


    1. Hilarious.

      -Count Sudoku

    2. Waspy14 why didn't you lock the door? That was very funny

    3. Yes I agree with you Waspy14 I also don't like to be boooooed at

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Ouch.That looks like it hurt. I don't think I would choose the same. I'd probably just swerve and fall. I think one of my most embarrassing was one time when I was at community Christmas when I was going on the sleigh with Brock, he kept kicking his boots off, I decided to go get it but as I did I stepped in horse poo and it was nasty.
    -Count Sudoku

    1. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      That's funny.


  5. Zab, that would just be the worst. I wonder what the other students were thinking and if there was a whole bunch of gossip.


  6. My most in embarrassing moment was getting chased by girls in second grade. My friend was laughing at me then he started helping me. Why didn't you crash into the the group of people walking to school? The girls were pulling on my shirt and legs. Every end of recess I ran so fast in and they always did it to me then I hid from them for a while, they all stop after in a while.

  7. Well I understand how that was an embarrassing moment Zab. For me it was an ordinary sleep over that made an embarrassing moment. It was a weekend I was sleeping over at my Opa's place with my Mama sleeping beside me, my Oma sleeping with Opa across the hall. Then I woke up alone in the room thinking it was time for breakfast I got dressed and went in the hall but then I noticed that my Mama was only helping my Oma go to the washroom.


    1. HAHAHA!

      -Count Sudoku

    2. Very funny, didn't you have an more embarrassing moment?

  8. My most in embarrassing moment was getting chased by girls in second grade. My friend was laughing at me then he started helping me. Why didn't you crash into the the group of people walking to school? The girls were pulling on my shirt and legs. Every end of recess I ran so fast in and they always did it to me then I hid from them for a while, they all stop after in a while.


  9. If it happend to me I just run to the washroom and cry. The most embarrassing moment of my life when I lost my bet with my friend and I have to run in my pajamas all around the street. My pajamas was 1 year old and were shaggy looking. It was in the summer and there were like ten people watching. It was when I was in my grandpa house. I was 6 years old.
    -Reven Oueen

  10. Dear Zab

    That would have been very embarrassing, was your friend there at the moment? If so, what did he say?
    My most embarrassing was at a dress up birthday party. I dressed up as a princess with a pink dress.
    At that time I had short hair so I actually looked like a boy!

    Now THAT was embarrassing


  11. _My most embarrassing thing that I did was I was shopping at West Edmonton Mall and my dad walked away and I started crying and I tripped down the escalator and at the bottom of the escalator half my hair on my head and I saw a man that looked like my dad and I hugged him and I looked and it was not him and one man picked me up and my dad tackled him and Yeah thats my story._

    -Gymnast 13

  12. Dear Zab
    My embarrassing moment was I had to go in the corner and I had to go to the bathroom so I was running around the house with my pants and underwear down and my Mom was chaseing me to go to the corner and then I did three long peices poop on the carpet.
    - tweetybird

  13. I think that would be very embarrassing if that was me. I can't imagine the look on your face and the others. My embarrassing moment was when I was four I think. I was camping. I got so dirty with my sister and after five hours of sitting in the mud puddle I really had to go to the bathroom,I did not know where the outhouse was and I really did not what to ask but I did, and I found the outhouse but... not the door and I was frantically running around the outhouse still could not find the door.I peed my pants I got so embarrassed I cried. I did not what my sister see so I called my Mother there was only an outdoor shower so I had to shower in front of my family.


  14. Dear zab,
    You must have been so enbarassed, I feel for you dude. But I also totally agree you, you must be enbarassed and make mistakes or if you have not really lived . l to have once embarrassed myself many times a just can not tel lyou the most embarassing. Good luck on your blog.

    your friend,
    Dragonfly 101

  15. Your story sounds funny to me. The most embarrassing thing that happened to me was when I slipped and fell out of the shower when my mom walked right in on me. I was 10 years old and I hope that never happens ever again.

  16. it is very good (for bikers) that Zab choose biker rack, and dont hurt other. ZAB IS A HERO.

  17. Is it actually true that you ran your bike into the bike stand? I don't think it's true. Is it true you got a bike from your friend?
    My most embarrassing thing was going to the washroom in the pool at the Collicutt Center on accident. Lots of people were there too.
    I blamed it on my brother named Akira.

    I kept it a secret.

  18. my most embarrassing moment was when I was about 7 years old and had never gone on a tall diving board. My sister was also there because I was to scared to jump. My older sister got mad that I wouldn't jump off, that she pushed me off and I started screaming mommy.

  19. The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me when it was my sixth birthday. My mom wanted to dress me up in my in a pretty little princess dress and when my mom wanted me to hold my sister and then all of a sudden my baby sister puked in my mouth and on my dress.

    Zab why did't go to the people it would have bien a softer landing.


  20. Dear Zab.
    Man! How much did your butt hurt after that? My most embarrassing moment was this summer when I was wake-surfing, I was going for a really long time. After a while I got cocky and decided to throw in the rope. I lasted about 3 seconds before fell flat on my face in the water. And at that time EVERYBODY on the boat was watching. Lucky me. That was my most embarrassing moment.


  21. Once me, my Sister and my aunt went to one of those trampoline places called Launchpad. When we went to a free jump place my aunt crashed face first into one of the sloped trampolines she would also bounce bum first onto the trampoline and slide down.

  22. Is this true or not Where did this happen? I think one time I was at another school it was recess I was by the water park and it was the end of winter there was a sheet of ice it was crarcked in the middle of the water park and I walked over it and fell in water.


  23. Wow that must have hurt,but it is a moment we all have and here is mine..... I was at ballet class one afternoon and I was in the middle of class at the bar but not alone with my friend at the bar and our class waiting for our ballet teacher to get someone in the right position and my friend lost her tooth......dun dah dah .... she wanted to keep it secret so she put ..it ...back ..in..her....MOUTH!!! She had told me shhh but I saw her every minute so, I was laughing so hard that I was bright red!! Then our teacher asked if we were ok we said yes but continued laughing. That is my most inbearising moment!

  24. my most embarising moment was when I got lost in seaworld and some guy brought me to the lost children's place. that was soo embarising



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