FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flip flops, sandals , sunscreen, bug spray!

Summer is approaching quickly and I have started making my list of things that I will need for a perfect summer vacation.  So far, my summer-need list includes: a trampoline, a treat that’s cold (a.k.a. ice cream or Popsicle) a parent that’s willing to drive me to the water park and buy me slushies, a backyard swimming pool (but a public swimming pool may have to do), flip flops, sandals or crocs and lots of friends. That’s what I’ll need for a perfect summer, what’s on your list?



  1. My perfect summer is going to Winnipeg to see my cousins.I hope I can get lots of ice cream because this summer is supposed to be SUPER warm.Me and my friend will have lots of sleepovers just like always.Summer is the best time of the year.

  2. For your list I have had and still have everything you have on your list. The most important thing on my list is no mosquitos for the entire summer and nothing else except hopefully a summer job.For my summer vacation I'm having tons of friends over as well as spending a month at my dads house.Also I am getting a quad and getting my dirt bike fixed so I can go up ramps and trails. I think all this will make my summer the best summer vacation ever.


    1. That sounds really cool but no mosquitos is pretty unrealistic.

    2. I hear they are making something that you spray onto the grass or water and it will kill mosquitoes.

  3. Some of the things that I need are: the trip to Okanogan, sand toys, our friend Griffin to come to the Okanogan, our trailer, water guns and toys and our popsicle maker.
    We always go to the Okanogan and have lots of fun.
    I hope you have a good time at your summer vacation spot.
    Great blog Flipster!


  4. The top thing on my list is definitely a cabin to stay at and friends to be there. A dirtbike or a quad to drive would be great to have. I also want a beach to swim in and boat to water-ski behind. And a bike to drive in town would be great. All of those things would make my summer epicly AWESOME!


  5. I haven't thought of a list I'll need for a perfect summer, but I will start on it right now on the blog, today. I will need sunflower seeds for when I am bored and have nothing to do, flip flops, cold treats such as slurpies and ice cream, sandals, some friends, parents to drive me to waterparks or outdoor swimming pool, have a trampoline and backyard swimming pool, sunscreen, bugspray and lots, lots more.

    -Coco Pony

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  7. My list is good weather and my family from Germany. Well, thats only part of my list. One thing no one should ever forget are friends and fun! In summer When I am bored I would usually sit in my house watching tv. But now that I am older and I know a lot of kids in my neighborhood, beye,beye tv and hello active! If there are mosquitos, don't forget the bug spray! But something everyone wants, is a good vacation.

    -smily miley

  8. I have never actually made a list for summer vacation, if something pops up then my family and I usually do it but we don't plan ahead of time to go somewhere unless we go on a camping trip. Then we have to make some sort of list with all the things we need to bring along, but either than that I don't make a list of things I need for summer vacation.If I were to make a list it would definitely include ice cream, a pool, comfy clothes and a lot and a lot of bug spray.



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