FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Endangered Animals

What are endangered animals? They are animals that are rare and whose population are small. Most endangered animals are in danger because of their fur, fangs, horns or teeth. People wanted to have things that look nice and give them so they began to hunt the animals that had such as a means to get a lot of money . As a result the animals were hunted to such an extent it's population deteriorated. People like the idea of Tiger rugs in their house, ivory and rhino horns for ornaments. While there are some laws banning hunting of such animals - there are still the major problems associated with poachers (people who hunt illegally) who still hunt endangered animals.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

NHL Lockout


I'm going to talk about the NHL lockout.
Does anyone think that the NHL should not have a lockout? With the lockout there’s no watching the Oilers and the Penguins(or any other teams)play hockey so there's no Friday night hockey.Personally I think the lockout is a bummer.It's really the only time me and my brother don’t fight because we're too busy watching hockey.So what I’m asking is if anyone wants or doesn't  want the NHL lockout? -jdog102

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Christmas is awesome! In my opinion Christmas is the best holiday ever, (except for  halloween maybe) what do you think? I think that kids should only get some things that are on their wish list (if they have one) and some pyjamas or clothing, how about you? Is hanukkah better? Would you wipe out the holiday altogether if you could? Do you have a favorite Christmas moment, if so write about it.
Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Are video games a tool we can use in education or is it a distraction when used in schools?

There is research available in several scholarly articles about the potential use of video games like minecraft, Littlebigplanet etc. in education, but there is also research that shows negative effects of too much video games.  What do you think? Reflect, research and respond to your thoughts.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I am going to talk about Halloween it is one of my favorite holidays, you go around to random houses dressed up yelling trick or treat and then the people give you candy its awesome. I heard that some people go trick or treating in the mall. Where is your favorite place to go trick or treating? What's your favorite thing about trick or treating (the  trick,the candy, the dressing up etc.)? -flipster

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