Since it is the last week before Christmas break I decided to write about CHRISTMAS! All around the world countries celebrate Christmas differently. For example Austria(like what other country would I mention!). Austrians have Kristkind(Christ Child) instead of Santa. I also have Kristkind but not only Kristkind I also get presents from Santa Lucia(LOO-CHEE-a.) Santa Lucia is from Italy. She doesn't come to my house but we go to a friend of my grandpa’s House.
Okay, so that is who I get presents from Christmas time. Now lets talk about other countries...Well in China only some people are Christian so they do what we do put up a Christmas tree but in Chinese Santa Claus is ‘Shen dan lao ren’. In Mexico Christmas is Celebrated from Dec.12-Jan.6(Two days before my B-day!) Swiss like to wear crowns on their heads and everyone has Advent calendars. In the UK(or great britain) they put up a Christmas tree(or even 2!) and instead of Santa Claus they have Father Christmas. Oh and I almost forgot Jewish families celebrate Chanukkah(Hanukkah.)
Now there are some different ways to celebrate Christmas.
What do you do for Christmas?
Do you do anything special for Christmas time if yes, What?
Do you know of any other traditions if yes which ones?
And since the first and second question are the similar…
Why do you think Christmas is so special?