FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, October 31, 2014

What Did You Do Over The Weekend?

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What I did over the weekend was REALLY fun.  I went to my dad’s farm that my Baba owns, and I did lot’s of stuff there.  Since my dad is going to be there every weekend now, I thought that I might as well go with him too.  I’ve got nothing else better to do, so like I said I might as well.  So, let’s get into what I did this weekend:

Like I said, I went to my dad’s farm and did lots of stuff there.  When we arrived, we spray painted a fort that we made the weekend before that. (We were going to use the fort to hunt in because it would be more comfortable than just laying down and standing up on the wet grass).  We spray painted it camoflauge (we just used a lot of colors, not an actual bottle of spray paint colored camouflage) so it can blend in with all of the trees and the other stuff behind it.  So we spray painted that, the we had to get it to our hunting spot.  That took quite a while, like two hours or something like that, but it was still reasonably fun.  We got it there by using a skid steer ( which I will explain in a moment), my dad’s truck and a trailer.  A skid steer is a heavy duty machine that is similar to a forklift but bigger and better.  My dad was the one who was controlling the skid steer, and two other people were driving the truck.  My dad lifted the fort up with the two forks (the big things that you use to lift up the object, not the forks that you eat with) on the skid steer up onto the trailer and then we strapped the fort down on the trailer.  We strapped the fort down because we didn’t want it to fly off when we were trying to get it to our hunting spot.  So we did that, and then set it down onto the ground.

My dad had to drive the skid steer to the hunting area, so… I did something fun.  I drove the skid steer back to our farm.  Those things are so fun to drive, I want one of my own.  So I got into the heavy duty machine and it looked really cool inside.  There was two joystick things two move it, and there was also lots of buttons.  My dad sat down in it first and then I sat in his lap.  My dad told me how to drive it.  It’s actually quite simple.  The left joystick is to move, and the right joystick is to control the forks.  I didn’t use the forks for anything, but it was still fun to drive.  You move by pushing forward or backward on the joystick thing.  To move forwards, you push forwards.  To move backwards, you pull backwards.  You can also turn side to side (I don’t know which vehicle wouldn’t) by pulling left or right.  So, I drove back to the farm and then we went and practiced our aim with our guns.  (Me and my brother didn’t, but the adults were).  We have a long private shooting range which is actually quite handy.  We use it to practice our aim.  It’s just common sense, like why else wouldn’t we have a shooting range.  Anyway, to keep ourselves occupied, (me and my brother), we drove around some of the fields that we own.  We drove around the perimeter so we wouldn’t wreck the crops..  We did that for like an hour so by then it started to get dark.  We went back to camp and sat around the fire for like 30 minutes.  After those 30 minutes, we went scouting to see how big of does and deer we could find.  I was the youngest one there, so I found the most.  (I still have young eyes).  when we got back it was around 8:30 and we sat around the fire a bit more.  I was really tired when we got back, but I stayed up for like another hour.  After that hour I was REALLY tired after that one hour so I went straight to bed.

What did you do over the weekend and was it fun?

Have you ever driven something unique or has any of your family driven one?

Have you ever hunted before or has any of your family?

The long typer, Waspy14

Friday, October 24, 2014

Do You Have Wisdom?

Wisdom is something you do not just get, you earn. But in order to earn wisdom, you need to have these things...

Determination, courage, love and bravery. Here are some tips, live, love, laugh, and if you never make a mistake or never embarrass your self you have not really lived at all. Wisdom can be taken away, if you make bad choices or if you stop caring, because sometimes you don't know what you have until it's gone. I also know that life is a balancing act if you lean to far to a side you'll fall off and the other side will disappear. So be thankful for what you have because on a day in the near future it might all be gone forever and it will hurt you. Now that you know what wisdom is, how to deal with it and to be careful with it I think you know phase 1 but phase 2 comes from you, and what's on the inside.

Now let's talk about life in wisdom, life can not be ignored nor can wisdom, with both of them by you side you can do any thing you can set you mind to. I'm not saying can't now, but it's easier when you have those two with you at all times because if you loose it , it might not come back to you ever. Let's take some time to think of the women and men in you life weather if it's your mom or dad, brother or sister who has share wisdom in your life. For me it was my grand mother she was an amazing women but because of the past she had to battle cancer, lung cancer as I went to se her every day I saw her getting weaker and than on a march day we stopped coming and on st. patricks day my parents informed me she was dead March 2012. So now you know who mine is. Who's yours!
Now you know every thing there is to know about wisdom. I hope you enjoyed my presentation, Now you can create wisdom for your self good luck if you have any questions comment down below.

Congratulations I hope you have decided on wisdom as something for you to do or get done thanks a bunch.

your friend dragonfly 101

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Your most embarrassing moment?

We all get embarrassed at least once in our lives. Sometimes when we are embarrassed, the others around us know why, the other times it may be just us. One of my most embarrassing moments happened when I was at University.

When I was in University, I prided myself in riding a bike to and from school. The bike was green and was given to me by a friend. My generous friend had found it lying in a ditch and decided to gift it to me.....ahem! The main problem was, the bike had really...really bad brakes. So I learned that in order to stop myself while riding I would need to plan my stop as the brakes took about 5 seconds to kick in.

The second week at University I was feeling proud and was 'that kid' too cool for school with my large headphones listening to Coolio. There was a gentle drizzle which turned into rain but again being cool...I had sunglasses on. As I approached the bike stand with about 8 bikes ...I realized by brakes were completely useless, going at about 30km per hour I knew I had about 5 seconds to make a decision on where I wanted to crash. The way I approached gave me two options..one was to ride into a large group of people getting into school, the other much more painful response was a solid iron bike rack. I decided the bike rack?

All that I imagine people going to class saw was a 'cool guy' riding his bike fast only to run in full speed into a bike rack, fall over the handle bars going  flying on the other side of the bike rack land on his bottom. Headphones where the sunglasses were and vice versa. I was so embarrassed, but I acted like nothing happened (aside from an upside down bike with tires spinning). This was definitely one of my most embarrassing moments, what would be one of your most embarrassing moments?

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