FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Daylight Savings Time

What do you think about DST? Is it worth doing the DST in our world today? Why or why not? 


  1. I for one thinks that it is a horrible idea to change your clock to day light savings because it can cause you to save money, for e.g. sample if you go to a daycare for the day and you change your clock in the middle of the day you get there earlier and spend less money for him/her to be there. But with positive there is negative, for it can also make you lose money because you tend spending more time on the computer and or coolers at home so changing time is what I think a wast of TIME!


    1. On the last sentence you wrote wast instead of waste.

      -smily miley

  2. I kind of hated time change this year because we changed the time and on that night we had company and we stayed up till three in the morning! Then on the Sunday I thought it was about three ocklock but it was already about five! Then the next day I had running club(Something we do in our school) but I didn't feel good and I was really tired so I didn't go.

    Daylight saving time (DST)—also summer time in several countries in British English, and European official terminology (termonology)-is the practice of advancing clocks so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn(this information was found on Wikipedia).

    -smily miley

  3. DST... exellent topic, inspired just inspired. Frankly, I really hate DST (daylight savings time) though I can see a use for it in the past just not nowadays. I was so surprised when it said (the video) that on the Monday that DST happens on and 2 weeks after ward the amount of suicides accelerate as well as the amount of heart attacks. Scary!

    - Mr. edible stuff

  4. I think that Daylight savings time is a bad idea, people lose one hour of sleep and then there tired for the next two to three weeks.I never knew that in the first week of daylight savings time there is more suicides and pedestrians getting hit by cars. I would love to live in a place like Hawaii or Arizona because then day light savings time wont affect me.
    - flipster

  5. Nice job with the blog post. I think that daylight savings time is an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is more sunlight. The disadvantage is more bug bites. I totally agree with daylight savings time because as the video said people want more sunlight in the summer and less in the winter.

    -Evil Cheesecake

  6. I personally think that daylight saving time isn't such a great idea because it screws with everyone's sleep schedule (especially mine) and causes depression. And I'm pretty sure its costing people money rather than saving people money, so I'm not quite sure that its a good thing. And in my opinion it is not worth doing it any more. To summarize I really think daytime saving is terrible.


  7. I just find this baffling and annoying.One day you gain an hour. ARG, I missed the bus ! One day you lose an hour. Where in the world is the bus driver?! I just hate it when we have to turn our clocks one hour forward or one hour backward. It feel's like you ran a marathon that morning, and lost.

    -Miss pineapple

  8. The topic DST that you chose fits perfectly to the time of year. The advantage of DST is that the sun sets later and the disadvantage of DST is that you get less sleep. I always like to have DST because if you play outside you can play outside longer, sit at the fireplace in your backyard if you have one and you get to stay up longer because you get to have summer vacation.

    -Coco Pony

  9. I don think getting a longer time to sleep is nice but getting confused on Monday is not nice.
    I don´t think that day light savings day is not a good idea because it messes with your sleeping hours.
    I don´t know if it is bad or good.


  10. This is a very interesting post. I don't like daylight savings because it messes up my sleep schedule . My mother woke me up at 8 o'clock and was thinking it was 7 o'clock until she found out on our stove . Daylight savings is when the country or province,state etc. time gets bumped forward an hour . I think its a terrible idea.


  11. I do not like puting your clock back because it lose's my time to be awake. I like being awake but I don't stay up very long. When puting the clock back I was at Josph's house and we had to go to bed early. I like daylight saving because I get to ride on my bike and play with my plane that we see who can throw the highist.


  12. DST is not a great thing to have because this produces more death and does not save energy. This doesn't save energy because the more sunlight we have the longer people can shop for. People can also go out and drop their kids of at their sport practice. DST is useless Anywhere around the world, plus it messes up my sleeping chart.


  13. I don't think that doing the DST is a good idea. Like it says in the film that it was very good in the olden days but now that every country has something different about the DST and lots of meetings happening. So really saving 4 dollars and then a lot of crashes that will cost thousands more. I think that DST is not important and lots of people are screwed up of not knowing the right time.

    -Dr. Future

  14. I think that DST is worth doing in our world. I think that because in the north and the south it is just great. On the equator, they can get use to the hot sun. With those reasons, I think that DST is reasonable. I think you should too.



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