FHS 16

FHS 16

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Martial Artist- Bruce Lee

Have you ever heard of martial arts expert Bruce Lee?  Originally Bruce Lee was actually named Lee Yuen Kam, because his father believed that a phantom samurai in dark black armor would haunt his son until he was dead.  Later on in Hong Kong Bruce Lee had to leave because of a fight over a group of British sailors harassing a young Chinese woman.  His father suggested that he go to the United States as he  actually had been born in San Francisco; but he asked one more thing of him- to become a martial arts expert. He does.Bruce Lee has a story that inspires the whole world.  Even me, I do a martial art called Taekwondo.  I started it last year (2012) and just graduated to a higher stripe.  I enjoy Taekwondo because of all the kicking and discipline. The one question I have is who or what inspires you?

-Miss Pineapple


  1. The person who inspires me to play soccer is probably Messi because he's the only soccer player I really know.The person who inspired me to play hockey was by far Gretzky and my dad.Did Bruce Lee inspire you?Nice blog mrs.pineapple

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  3. Music is my loved talent.Well I shouldn't say it is my talent but I just love to sing and think of cool beats in my head.Sometimes I would just turn on the radio while I am doing my homework to keep me relaxed.When a song came that I knew the lyrics to I would just mumble quiet enough so that nobody could here me.The people who really inspire me are people who write their own songs.I am not klaming that I am the best but its just what I like to do.

    -smily miley

  4. Nothing really inspires me.Once I try something and I like it I stick with.About Bruce Lee have never heard of him but I also never have done martial arts so that's probably why I never heard of him.

  5. Miss Pineapple,
    I like your blog post. I think that finding inspiration in other people is a great way of looking at the world. I often find that I look for a quality in a person that I would like to encourage in myself. One of the Teacher's Assistants in the Forest is remarkably good at helping kids who are feeling crabby move past that and get into a better frame of mind. So when I am dealing with a student who has got a crabby on I think about what she would do and try that out. It has worked quite well for me.

    -Queen of the Forest

  6. The person who inspires me to play soccer is probably Messi because he's the only soccer player I really know.The person who inspired me to play hockey was by far Gretzky and my dad.Well too tell the truth lots of people inspire really me.Did Bruce Lee inspire you?Nice blog mrs.pineapple.

  7. Sorry about my mistake that I made. I ment to wright lots instead of lost.But Now I actually think abut it my grandpa actually inspired me to do music. I am actually the only one in my family who actually plays a percussion instrument all my other family members played wind and strings. But I also realise that it fells good to be the only one.


  8. The thing that inspires me changes every year. My cheer team and the staff at my cheer gym inspires me.With out a team cheer wouldn't be fun.The coaches are really nice and if I were at a different gym they may not be as nice. Those are the main people that inspire but the whole cheer club inspires me.

  9. The person that inspires me the most is my cousin. She inspires me because she always tells me to be true to myself. One time when I was upset over something and SHE was the one that told me to just ignore the problem and just look forward to the future. If there was a world record book for the biggest hero in life she would be the first in the book. Since there isn't she will still be my best friend forever even though she is my cousin. I need to give thanks to her because without her, I would be a total mess in life. She is the bowl of the fruit bowl. Before I finish I should probably say nice blog post Miss Pineapple!


  10. Yes I have heard of Bruce Lee. I think my friends and family inspire me to do my best at school and other things that I do. My teachers and acquaintances are also inspiring for me. I think my Sensi and the sam-pai also inspire me to continue doing Karate and make strive to do better. fantastic blog bye the way Miss. Pineapple, it was really great!


  11. The person who I admire is my dad he gives me tips in hockey so I get better. I also admire Wanye for how good he is. They both help me me to be a hockey player. My dad gives me tips and Wanye shows me were good players shoot. I am glad I can get help from my favourite hockey player.

  12. I really like your blog . The people who inspire me to want to become a professional soccer player are my dad because
    he played soccer when he was younger .Another person that makes me want to play soccer is Mario Mandžukić because he plays for my favourite team (FC Bayern Munich). He wears the number 9 I also wear the number nine . I really like the picture .


  13. Hey, Miss Pineapple I really liked the post and the photo was absolutely an eye opener and no mistake. But I really can´t list all of the people that have inspired me to do certain things. There are tons! Even one of my best friends inspired me ...Tim inspired me to play soccer and I turned out to really like it. And I just can´t forget the other people, I mean seriously hats off to parents and teachers.

    -Mr. edible stuff

  14. I like your blogpost, the picture you put above your paragraph and the details you put into your writing. I don't do any martial arts. Who inspires me is my piano teacher because I do piano and I like to play the piano. What inspires me is also Art. I am glad you wrote about Bruce Lee because every week I like to learn something new.

    -Coco Pony

  15. Yeah martial arts has bin a game with sticks for my ninja show downs and one of my friends named colin he and me had once bin challenged by some kids in the tennis court that we could never get in without the code and then made a sarcastic comment that the only way in was to climb over the 6 feet tall barb wire fence. We then having a good past of climbing we jumped on the fence and with skill went over and we had lots of adventures together.



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