FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, December 13, 2012

David Bouchard

His birthday is on sept. 13th. My favourite part of his presentation was the flute with two holes. I especially liked the part where he played the two holes together. When he asked the question "What makes you a reader?' it made me think and reflect. What was your favourite part of his presentation? What made you a reader? 


  1. I liked the part when he played the story on his flute.I really still haven't figured out how I'm a reader.Do you still remember his two words(one book).Nice blog coco pony.:)

  2. Was he really that convincing? I´ve heard really great things about him. That must have been cool to see him play a flute with two holes...and play the two holes together. He must have been a great writer and a really good speaker.


  3. What makes me a reader you may ask me.Well I think what makes me a reader is well reading. my first book I ever read was Captain Underpants. I started off hating it and now I have the inter serious But along the way I also picked up other books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Bone. I think that is what makes me a reader today.


  4. Yeah his presentation was awesome it helped me get back into a great book series and made me want to read a hole lot more. And funny enough Geranimo stilton was my help to reading when I accident got them at a book fair and was forced to read them.


    1. I like to read Geranimo Stilton books, like your comment, too!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yeah, that flute with the two holes was pretty awesome. But my favourite part was the jokes. They were amazing. What really started me on reading is people recommending it to me and the guiding reading program at school.

    -Mr.edible stuff

  6. I really liked David Bouchard to he was so nice and
    funny. I really want to read some of his books . I liked how he always told us parts of a story and makes us want to read the books that he said . My favourite part about the presentation was when he played his flutes


  7. My favourite part of the presentation was when he played any kind of flute but I agree that the two hole flute was really cool. I don't really know what made me a reader but I know something did.

  8. That was my favourite part too.I think I liked all of the flutes.I think what made me a reader is magic puppy.But I don't have all the books.I think my favourite part was all of it.But I never knew his birthday was on Sept.13.

    -Evil bunny

  9. My favourite part of David's presentation was when he showed us all of his flutes and played most of them. He also recommended some books that sounded pretty good to read. I became a reader when I was 7 maybe but I forgot which book inspired me. I also never knew when his birthday was.


  10. I think that the story telling is the best part of Davids presontation, the second best thing is the musik.
    I think the How to train your dragon series started my reading.
    Nice comment!


  11. My favourite part of the presentation was when he played the flute.David Bouchard sounds like a processional flute player.


  12. David Bouchard was one of the best authors that came to our school! He really persuaded me to be a better reader. He told us about books he has read. He also gave out bookmarks. I got one and it was really detailed. My favourite part of the presentation was when he played some of his flutes. I really liked the book "The Ravens Greatest Creation". There was a lot of description and detail.

    -smiley mily

  13. David Bouchard is a brilliant flute play and I like what beautiful sound they maked. It also was hard to answer his question, but the most hardest part was to sit for an hour. I really liked his presentation and I learned a whole new important information. I really want to see him again.

    -Dr. Future


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