FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Super cool Inventions. By...you!

Milk carton that changes color as the milk expires. No more sniffing...

Here is a cool idea...this milk carton changes colour as the milk expires.

Hologram keyboard?

Have you ever had a super cool idea and wished you could share it or make it come true? Usually your idea is hard to create and you end up turning it into another creation  at the back of your mind. I have done this so now I try and write it down then save it. So what encourages you to think up cool ideas and explore the fantasies of your mind? 

I hope you will share your ideas and inventions with everyone here!



  1. I always get new ideas but I never share them or write them down so I always lose my ideas before anything cool happens.Sometimes small videos and clips that I see in class or at home inspire me to think of cool inventions.I always want to think of inventions that are environment friendly.Also things that will do great things for man kind.I saw this idea in a kids magazine once,a car that eats any waste for fuel!I hope it also lets out an environment friendly gas!

    -smiley mily

  2. I think one invention I'd like to make is what I call a head warmer by combining a scarf and a toque .It would not have to take as long if you lose you scarf. It wild also keep your ears and neck warm unlike those face masks it would let you be able to breath and eat while wearing it.Also when high winds came it would not blow off and away. But if no one bought it how would they know if it is better than a separate toque and scarf.


  3. What a cool post EAGLE HOOD I absolutely loved it.I wonder if that holographic keyboard is ever up for sale as a consumer electronic. A cool electronic invention I thought of was a book that you can read and then watch the movie from a screen at the back of the book. Cool, hey? I thought the the expiring milk carton thing was jaw dropping!

    -Mr. edible stuff

  4. I always think about Something to expand a room.You walk into a room and push a button.
    All of a sudden a new secret room comes up, wouldn't that be cool.Even though that probably wouldn't be possible.

  5. I love making up small ideas like I used skipping ropes to pull down the swing. I am thinking about a idea it is to use something to make a skateboard or a bike it would make earth less polluted. I like when people make great ideas like the phone and the light bulb.I wonder if any person tried to make a time machine. I know there are going to be some great ideas.

  6. I really like that picture . Some of the inventions I have thought of are that if its raining or snowing the wind shield wipers automaticly wipes the wind shield after a certain amount of snow or rain lands on it . Or maybe seat belts that buckle yourself.If you are really into golf maybe you could have a golf cart that when you say a golf clubs name it would give it to you .


    1. Captain! Great idea but, they already made those wind shield wipers. I know this because I have one.

    2. name is Mr-Green

  7. Great blog post.I think that is a fantastic topic to write about Eagle Hood.I really like the milk carton.I think that is really cool that it changes colour as it expires. I sometimes get ideas but I never write them down.It would be cool if somebody invent a flying car.

    -Evil bunny

  8. I usually get really cool ideas like the one that I thought about a week ago...THE CARTOON-ANIZER. Turns any stuffed animal into a real cartoon creature. Say you had a favourite stuffed animal and you were really lonely and wanted a friend. *POOF* a real live cartoon creature in your own room. Except I think you would need super powers or something so that won't work.


  9. my idea of a cool invention would be real tree house! It would be able to fit up to 7 people and would have a wonderful view of nature.Lets get closer to nature rather than ruin it.
    -miss pineapple

  10. Each day I want to make new inventions but each time I forget them all again. Some times my father says like make this new thing or make this computer think better. Most of the times I get my new ideas from what I need that at home or at school. I think that new inventions may be very cool. Nice blog and awesome picture Eagle hood!

    -Dr. Future

  11. I think one my of the greatest idea is to have LEGO people that actualy walk around your LEGO city! Some could help you build and sort your pieces and others would do their jobs.
    At my house we have a huge LEGO city that has super hero sets and a real LEGO soccer stadium.
    Great ideas and awesome inventions.


  12. I think a cool invention would be a machine that would transform air into water. The machine would be little so it would be easy to transport it. It would be used in deserts. It will condense the water from the air. Then you would not need a supply of water.


  13. I think a cool invention would be a robot servant that will not brake down when it contacts with liquids.Another cool invention would be some sort of phone that you can just say what you want to do for example if you want to call someone you just have to say there number and it will automatically dail.If only there was an invention that could stop global warming.What are some of your inventions EAGLE HOOD?Nice blog and topic.

  14. I love inventing and saving all my ideas like a holographic paper and a air producing watch for under water explorations. I even made a folder for my cool ideas



  15. Well sometimes think of something that could be useful in the world but I never get the time to do it. My inspiration is usually stuff that has already been invented. Ex. 2 or more thing that have already been invented and I try to create something that similar but not the same.

    -Evil Cheesecake

  16. I like your blog and especially the pictures. I like the second picture the most and I think it would be a great idea to make a "cellphone on your hand". It would be great to have it, you wouldn't need to buy it because it would be on your hand already. Thanks for the blog, it is awesome!

    -Coco Pony


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