FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, February 20, 2015


First of all, monsters can look like anything you can imagine. Monsters can have wings, horns, tails, teeth, no teeth, eyes, no eyes and anything else you can imagine. Monsters are basicly anything you can imagine or draw. They could have any features, shape, size or form.

Monsters don’t just look different, they also have different personalities. Some can be mean, some can be kind and some can be both. They don’t have to mean or kind, they can have what ever personalities you can think of. Some can look scary, some can look kind, some can look weird.

I like scary monsters, and I also love drawing them. It is fun to draw monsters because you can add anything you like. A drawing of a monster can’t be a bad drawing because every single monster can look different. Your monster can be super detailed or just a random shape, yet both are still monsters.

If I were to draw a monster it would have giant dragon wings, a small, scaly body, 3 eyes, a circular mouth with 10 sharp teeth (5 on the top and 5 on the bottom) and Giant, razor sharp claws.

What would your monster look like if you were to draw one?

Where would your monster live?

What would be the purpose of your monster?


Friday, February 13, 2015

Be my Valentine here, there or anywhere!

Valentine's day is coming up and  I decided to write about it.Lots of people celebrate valentine's day because it is a day where everyone can show how much they love someone .All countries have different traditions and celebrations for Valentine's day .   Some  examples are in Mexico.   They have a concert in the country and sell flowers chocolate and handmade cards.   They sell out  like crazy my dad went to Mexico  in november and they were already selling!Just like on christmas they exchange gifts .

In India people celebrate in a completely different way .What they do is that one boy and one girl get together  and have a party. Some boys  may ask girls on a date  or  even propose if they are old enough .In India some people tie a knot  to show a long and lovely relationship .Just like in most places  they also give out cards, flowers ,heart shaped chocolates and  candies to their loved ones.This is also a major festival that means gift shops and malls are super busy.

The last country I’ll be talking about is Brazil. In Brazil instead of celebrating on February 14 they celebrate  on the 12 of June .In Brazil  they call valentine's day  ‘’Dia dos Namorados’’.They also have a huge festival.   At the festival there's lights, shows,concerts ,dancing and foods

Valentine's day is celebrated all over the world but all in different way’s.

1.What  do you do for Valentine's day?

2.What other Valentine's celebrations do you know of and where are they from?

3.If you were to do any of the traditions I mentioned what would it be and why?

4. Do you do anything similar to the traditions   I mentioned and which one?     


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