FHS 16

FHS 16

Friday, May 3, 2013

You ate what?

This week I ate 11 Bar BQ flavoured mealworms as a dare. On the radio a few weeks ago I heard a person ate a cigarette butt for $50. We made a video of me eating the mealworms and might put it on youtube. So tell me, what is the grossest thing you’ve eaten or heard of someone eat? Here is the link to my video:


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thats pretty cool! But, I wouldn't want to eat a cigarette butt. Even if I would get $50 after. In our school we have a survival day at the end of the school year for the older students. I was lucky I went to Germany! This year, sadly, I am not going to Germany but I am probably not going to go that day.

    -smily miley

    1. Yes it would be disgusting to eat a cigarette butt!


    2. I'm not going either.


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    1. Remember? The coke bottles had HOT SAUCE on them.

      Mr- Green

    2. No it did not


  4. I would say that the worst thing I ate was my moms bread balls with raw tomato.
    I liked the bread ball, but I hated the tomato.
    They tasted like slime.
    Great blog Ironman.


  5. For some reason I really hate tomatoes they taste like.... ok really bad. I have a friend at camp who ate her pancakes with ketchup:(>. I've heard of yummy chocolate covered or salted crickets.By the way great job in eating those "I will eat them every day" meal worms.


  6. Wow that sounds pretty gross, I don't think I'd eat mealworms. The video was very funny. Hmm... the grossest thing I've eaten, it's probably ABC gum from my brother(already been chewed).I can't believe that I used to like that.


  7. I have never eaten something that is very gross, but I do know that lots of people in different cultures eat ants to me that sounds really disgusting.Another thing that sounds really disgusting is crickets.

  8. I would never eat bbq mealworms. Kaydence and bryce were so tough . It was hilarious how Bryce was eating mealworms one after another . Your dad is the best video editor I've ever known . For all you fellow bloggers what is your least favourite food ?


  9. I think it would taste good.I have crickets that I will bring to class if it is ok with my teacher, and people who want to try can.If you make another video you should include most of the boys in your class.Did you like the mealworms?

  10. This is very interesting. We had survivor day at school last year and we had to eat gross things like whelk, pickled peppers, silk worm, hot peppers and the lucky people got tiny candy coke bottles. Some kids got really sick after eating the foods. I did not like the of it!


  11. Nice video, ironman. Who had the idea of eating mealworms, crickets and cricket legs. I haven't eaten something that gross, yet, but I have eaten something I don't like. It was a pickled pepper and it was HOT! I was jumping up and down while eating it!

    -Coco Pony

  12. That is a great topic to talk about. Our school does something called Survival day.I was glad I went to Germany,so I didn't have so eat something gross.I might not go this year to survival day.

    -Evil bunny

  13. I went to Mexico once and one of the treats they had was hot dogs flavoured as fish, it was actually quite delicious. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty to have some treats that I've never had before. The grossest thing I have ever had is any type of seafood. I particularly hate any kind of see food from shrimp to octopus. My favourite type of food is anything really spicy , same with my dad.


  14. Yuck! Is absolutely my first response to that article. The video made me gag on the inside and for a moment my hunger kind of disappeared and I lost my appetite, but that subsided. Probably the most disgusting thing I've ever seen for sale was a hollowed out bell pepper stuffed with larvae of some insect, AND THEY WERE STILL ALIVE!! The most disgusting thing I've ever eaten myself is a raw water slug called whelk. I ate this because there was a day at our school called Survivor day where we did a whole lotta crazy and pretty stupid things like eating disgusting food (that's where I ate the whelk).

    -Mr, edible stuff

  15. I think that is cool but I would prefer to not eat any. I have seen my cousins eat bugs. I didn't eat any bugs. We also had to eat a bunch of stuff that I disliked a school activity called survivor day. I might want to try one one day but maybe not.

    -Evil Cheesecake

  16. This is very interesting and amazing. I always try tasting weird stuff and if I didn't like it, I will try it next year to see if I like it then. I don't usually like tasting new weird stuff. Still nice blog ironman!

  17. How did Kadence eat that!
    I hated it when on survivor day the teachers were laughing at some of the kids when they were puking.
    It was so mean. You were forced to put your hand in a box with pieces of paper in it. Some of the pieces of paper said whelk (egg case), silkworm pupa(a bug),hot peppers, and much more.
    -Miss pineapple


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