FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Flip flops, sandals , sunscreen, bug spray!

Summer is approaching quickly and I have started making my list of things that I will need for a perfect summer vacation.  So far, my summer-need list includes: a trampoline, a treat that’s cold (a.k.a. ice cream or Popsicle) a parent that’s willing to drive me to the water park and buy me slushies, a backyard swimming pool (but a public swimming pool may have to do), flip flops, sandals or crocs and lots of friends. That’s what I’ll need for a perfect summer, what’s on your list?


Friday, May 3, 2013

You ate what?

This week I ate 11 Bar BQ flavoured mealworms as a dare. On the radio a few weeks ago I heard a person ate a cigarette butt for $50. We made a video of me eating the mealworms and might put it on youtube. So tell me, what is the grossest thing you’ve eaten or heard of someone eat? Here is the link to my video:

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