FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Recycling affects every living organism on the planet.There are good things and bad things that recycling does. In the next few paragraphs the pros and cons will be listed.
A disadvantage would be that it takes more time to reproduce a recycled product than to make a new one. Another disadvantage would be that in some places not recycling is illegal therefore people living in these places cannot reuse a lot of things.
An advantage would be that it reduces the use of non-renewable resources which reduces air pollution and clear-cutting. Another advantage would be that it would save space in landfills.
Now, is recycling good or bad; what do you think?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTPnyCjF6gA


  1. I think recycling is a good thing because one it helps from killing turtles, whales,dolphins and other animals that live in the that could swallow bottles. recycling also save are because bottles do compost but makes really bad soil so flowers, tree and other plants can't grow strong and healthy. That's why I think it is good to recycle and other than what I have just said I can't think of other good or bad things why it is good or bad to recycle


    1. live in the what?

    2. I think he meant the ocean,rivers or lake

      - captain

  2. I think recycling is good in plenty of ways.One is that if you take it to the bottle depot they pay you.Second is it helps to stop air pollution which is good.Last for me is that without recycling the lakes would be gone because in some places all they do is go to any body of water dig a hole put the stuff in and berie it.Good topic

  3. Sweet post Zab! The first picture was jaw drooping and I loved the second one. I was really surprised when I heard that in some countries it is illegal to not recycle! I do think greatly that recycling is a positive thing although reusing is much better and the best is to reduce (The 3 environmental Rs)!

    -Mr. edible stuff

  4. I think that recycling is good because it takes less resources and saves rainforests and those tiny little things that live there like red eyed tree frogs.
    It also saves most of the endangered animals.
    I think recycling is a good idea.
    Awesome blog Mr-Anonomous.


  5. I think recycling is really good.So many people always encourage others to recycle that hardly anybody thinks that its bad. I think that it's dumb that some countries make them recycle even if they are going to reuse it.

  6. I think recycling is great some people have different views of it but this is mine.

    One time I watched a show that told us that many sea turtles are suffering because people litter and throw plastic bags into the landfills which can lead to a water source which eventually leads to the sea. A sea turtle's main food are jellyfish.And a plastic bag well to a sea turtle looks like a yummy jellyfish but really its a harmful bag that could either kill or harm the sea turtle. So recycle,don't throw away plastic bags.
    What did the sea turtle ever do to you?

    -Miss pineapple

  7. I think it is a very good thing to recycle. Every time I see some cardboard boxes that go to the recycle bin that could be turned into something for storage I grab it and use it. Recycling is very important because just imagine where all those old cardboard boxes would end up, where all that junk mail would be floating around? It also saves some animals from eating our waste and dying.

    -smily miley

  8. I do think it is a great idea and that post is so cool and as long as we don't do it too much we could make a huge difference.


  9. I never really paid attention attention about recycling until now. I from now on I will always recycle. I think that we humans should start recycling much more than we do all ready. I never thought that recycling was causing global warming. I can not bear to think that humans are causing global warming that is harming poor innocent creatures. Now I know that recycling is super important!

    -Evil Cheesecake

  10. I really do agree that recycling is great for the environment. Recycling is a great way to reuse bottles and is a great way to save money. It was surprising that in some countries they can't recycle and reuse items therefore the country needs to use more money for more supplies. I learnt a lot from this post, thanks!


  11. I strongly advise and take part in recycling. If everyone recycles the worlds pollution levels will sheerly drop and the world will be a better place. My entire family recycles and I plan to continue until the end of time. I also compost which is good for making gardens and such. I hope get everyone In the world hooked on recycling!


  12. That is a great post mr anyomas . I always throw it in a box and my dad takes them away after a month or two.Does
    anyone know about the filed trip we had. What grade was it in? I think 2 do you? Anyway it can make a hole difference.


  13. That is a good topic to write about Mr.Anonymous.I never thought recycling is to important.It saves also some animals from not eating waste.Like Ms.Pineapple wrote that if some of the paper bags go to the ocean.The turtles eat it and it is not good for them.

    -Evil bunny

  14. I think that recycling is very important because it helps environment, animals and even provides jobs for people. Mostly people like recycling because it saves wilderness where they like camping and the air stays fresher. Without recycling there will be lots of landfills and smelly air. When you are done using a sheet of paper try to use it again or just recycle it, when everyone does that, that will save a whole amount of trees and help recycling. Good term, blog Mr. Anonymous!

    -Dr. Future

  15. great post a really important topic! Recycling is so important to the world . If everyone doesn't start recycling now the world is going to turn out like the movie WALL-E movie (i'm exaggerating ). I try to recycle as much as I can



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