FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, September 20, 2012

High Level bridge waterfall

Have you seen this? The High Level bridge in Edmonton has a waterfall that is man made and runs occasionally. The continual running of this waterfall is up for debate at city council (a group of decision makers for the city), as there are concerns on its cost as well as environmental impact. The 64-metre waterfall was installed on the High Level bridge in 1980, to celebrate the province’s 75th Anniversary.
 A CBC article has the following arguments:

“It’s overused, this idea of things that are iconic. Here we have something that I actually think actually is iconic in the minds of people all over Edmonton,” said Coun. Ben Henderson.

“Environmental standards have changed over the last 30 years, and what was acceptable 20 years ago is not necessarily acceptable today,” said Coun. Tony Caterina.

The city still hasn’t found a new source for the water.
One option is to use chemicals to de-chlorinated the water that was previously used for the waterfall.
Another is to use untreated river water, which would require new pumps and infrastructure, which could cost up to $2 million, according to early estimates.
The work likely wouldn’t be done in time to have the waterfall turned on for the High Level’s anniversary in 2013.
City council still has to make the final determination on the waterfall’s fate.

What do you think of these statements?


  1. I never knew that there was a water fall there, I want to see that up and running sometime.


  2. I think that the highlevel bridge waterfall is a really cool . The only thing that I don't really like is that it only happens on Canada day, another thing is that I really want to know who's idea it was.


  3. The high level bridge looks really cool.
    I also never knew there was water fall there.Oh
    and nice picture.


  4. I never knew there was a waterfall on the high level bridge. It is so cool and colourful. Its awesome.
    - flipster

  5. I once was under that waterfall but I never saw it in action so I really want to see it.From this picture it really looks fantastic.

    -Dr. Future

  6. I never knew that there was a waterfall. It looks so pretty. I would love to see that!

    - Evil cheesecake

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. @ Threwit it happens every Canada day


  9. I have never seen this water fall. Does it only appear at dusk or all the time. Are you sure its the high level? But if its actually there Id like to see it sometime.


    1. Yes, I'm sure it's the High level.

      -Mr. edible stuff

  10. I don't know about anybody else but I think that waterfall is just plain awesomeness, but they should hold off on construction until after the anniversary.

    -Mr. edible stuff

  11. Wow, I never knew there is a waterfall under
    high level bridge. I would like to see it.

    -Mr. Anonomous

  12. This is really nice. The colours really work. The photographer must have really thought about the timing in this one! Everyone on Canada Day must have been astonished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. Wow. I never knew that there was a waterfall. Maybe I should go see it on Canada Day. I really like the picture

    -Evil bunny

  14. That was a awesome article/picture.I wish I could see it in real life.All I can say is awesome article/picture.

  15. It would be so cool to see it working! It would be so cool to go with family and friends!

    -Mr. Green

  16. How much water does it use? When on how long is it on for? Does it use energy?

    Eagle hood

    1. It uses 50,000 litres a minute!
      -Mr. edible stuff

  17. I think it really looks cool! I like the colour they used for it and how huge it is.

  18. What ever happened to Dale Phillips, who along with Peter Lewis, brainstormed the Highlevel water fall back in the mid-1980's.

    - Threwit

  19. I thought that cars and other gasoline machines were what polluted our air. I think that what we need is a more efficient energy.Like wind energy and water energy. The problem with solar is that its expensive. Any ideas on that?


    1. The only problem with the wind energy idea is that it's not windy enough.

      -Mr. edible stuff

    2. Nice blog by the way. I like it.

  20. That's AWESOME!!! I wish I could've seen it in real life!!!


  21. I think that the money should be used for poor countries rather than for the jump. That money wasn't properly used. It is interesting that he broke the sound barrier, yes. And he became famous. But I still think that the money was wasted. Nice blog by the way.

    -Mr. Anon.


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