FHS 16

FHS 16

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dear readers,

I think we should think about using less electronics.Like turning of the lights after leaving the room,or watching less television and go outside and have fun,because if we use too much energy it is going to get too warm and the icebergs in the north pole are going to melt.Soon the sea level is going to rise and so that means soon there will not be  Hawaii anymore!

Who thinks they spend too much time watching television than stay outside?Tell me what you think about using less electronics and going outside because enjoy the last days of  summer in the winter you can sit inside for as long as you want.

-smily miley 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

High Level bridge waterfall

Have you seen this? The High Level bridge in Edmonton has a waterfall that is man made and runs occasionally. The continual running of this waterfall is up for debate at city council (a group of decision makers for the city), as there are concerns on its cost as well as environmental impact. The 64-metre waterfall was installed on the High Level bridge in 1980, to celebrate the province’s 75th Anniversary.
 A CBC article has the following arguments:

“It’s overused, this idea of things that are iconic. Here we have something that I actually think actually is iconic in the minds of people all over Edmonton,” said Coun. Ben Henderson.

“Environmental standards have changed over the last 30 years, and what was acceptable 20 years ago is not necessarily acceptable today,” said Coun. Tony Caterina.

The city still hasn’t found a new source for the water.
One option is to use chemicals to de-chlorinated the water that was previously used for the waterfall.
Another is to use untreated river water, which would require new pumps and infrastructure, which could cost up to $2 million, according to early estimates.
The work likely wouldn’t be done in time to have the waterfall turned on for the High Level’s anniversary in 2013.
City council still has to make the final determination on the waterfall’s fate.

What do you think of these statements?

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