FHS 16

FHS 16

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Would you like a superpower?

If you could choose to have any kind of superpowers what would it be and why it would be cool? If I had superpowers I would like to have the power of invisibility or flying. It would be interesting because I could scare people by holding up objects and it would be totally unique to fly through the sky!

-Evil Cheesecake

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Recycling affects every living organism on the planet.There are good things and bad things that recycling does. In the next few paragraphs the pros and cons will be listed.
A disadvantage would be that it takes more time to reproduce a recycled product than to make a new one. Another disadvantage would be that in some places not recycling is illegal therefore people living in these places cannot reuse a lot of things.
An advantage would be that it reduces the use of non-renewable resources which reduces air pollution and clear-cutting. Another advantage would be that it would save space in landfills.
Now, is recycling good or bad; what do you think?   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTPnyCjF6gA

Friday, April 12, 2013

Summer vacation

I like summer vacation cause you don't have to go to  school and because you get to stay longer outside. When it`s summer vacation I go camping,this year we have  planned to go to British Columbia. I also enjoy bike riding in the summer  with my neighbours  so we head to the park and ride our bikes there. Also in summer vacation I like  to go swimming .What do you like to do in summer vacation? Do you have something planned for this summer vacation?

-Evil bunny

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